part 19

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Tina was working with a horse when she found out the truth about what tim did when she went for a ride to vist her mother's grave.  Chase was just comeing up with ty and sighs seeing tina leaving . "Amy whats going on is she ok?" "Not really chase she just found out with are dad did . When he heard the story . "Oh my god is she ok ? "She will be in time but whith what tim did i do t think she will ever forgive him . When she came back she saw her husband.  "Hey chase " "tina are you ok ?" "Im ok in time " "tina i just want you to be ok " "chase i know where this is going " "why do you think that?" "Chase this is my home i dont want to move . "I wasnt going to say that . "Then what were you you going to say ?" "Tina i know this is your home . Its It's become my home to . And as your husband.  I say we stay here .

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