Chapter 1.

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(Harry's POV)


Our ball.

Liam passes the ball to me. I glide through the other team as I approach our goal.

The clock runs down. 5-4-3

I take my approach and swiftly kick the ball into the goal. When the clock hits 0, our audience cheers, as well as our team.

15-14. What a way to kick off the season.

"PARTY AT MY HOUSE!" Zayn screams to everyone around us.

Zayns parties are always epic, everyone goes. Zayn walks toward me and slaps me on the back.

"Nice winning goal there curly."

"Aye thanks man." I replied with a smirk.

"Will you be at the party?" Zayn wonders.

"Wouldn't miss it." With that Zayn and I walk separate ways.


As I drove home (which wasn't the smartest idea) I contemplated all the possible worst case scenarios that could happen. It is way past curfew, and I'm just hoping my parents are asleep and won't notice.

I pull in the driveway quietly. As I open the door it squeeks, I cringe at the sound.

I turn around and my father is standing right there. "BOY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" he beamed.

"Outwith--theguys" I slurred. I could tell he smelt the alcohol on my breath. I'd be lying if I said I couldn't smell his too.

"Have you been drinking?"

"N-nno." I lied. He slapped me across the face. I bent down with my hand on my cheek where my father left an imprint.

"Don't you dare lie to me son. Upstairs." He demands. I fret for a moment until he said "Before I leave a bruise!" It didn't take long for me to scurry upstairs.

The minute I closed my door, tears began flowing through my eyes.

I opened up my drawer, rummaged through wrinkled socks and pulled out my get away.

I locked myself in the bathroom, and stared at the piece of glass that I've been longing to use.

I hated my life. I really did.


(Louis' POV)

I walked into the hellhole (school) and immediately got a paper ball thrown at my head.

Typical day in the life of Louis Tomlinson.

I load my books into my locker and head to my first class. First hour is always the worst. Its the only class where I don't have my only friend, Niall, by my side.

I go to my usual spot in the back of the classroom when Harry Styles walked into the room unexpectedly. He's usually in P.E right now.

"I was transferred here." he said to Mrs. Smith, and handed her a sheet.

She looked over the sheet with her tiny glasses and signed it. She then said "Alright, go sit by Louis back there until I arrange a new seating chart."

My heart stopped and my eyes nearly bulged out of my eyes. He waltzed over to his desk, while I tried to control my breathing.

He leaned over my desk, my breath hitched. "Hey, do you have a pencil I can borrow?" Harry said in his deep tone.

I reached into my bag under my desk "Yeah here."

"Thanks." All I could do was nod.

Alright, let's be honest here, Harry Styles is probably the hottest guy I've ever laid eyes on. Plain and simple. I have had the hugest crush on him since 5th grade, and this is the first time he's ever bothered to talk to me.

How am I supposed to concentrate on my school work when Harry is sitting right next to me. Breathing the same air.

Its unbelievable really.


I walk home and greet my 4 sisters, Daisy, Pheobe, Felicite (Fiz), and Charlotte (Lottie). 

The two twins come running up to me, tackling me at my legs, as they do every time I come home.

Fiz and Lottie walk down the stairs to greet me as well.

"Hey Fiz, where's mum?" I ask curiously. She's always home.

"She's out with Dan again." She mumbled. "Oh.." I replied.

Dan is my moms new boyfriend. None of us really care for him, he never bothers to talk to us, so we don't bother to talk to him.

Plus, nobody can replace my father. No one.

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