Chapter 3.

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(Louis' POV)

I walk into first hour, English, and see that Harry is already seated.

Thats odd, I thought. He's usually the last one into class.

I sit down and our teacher, Mrs. Smith instantly starts speaking.

"So for this quarter, we will be working on group projects."

As if on cue, everyone groans.

"This project will be on a book of your choice. It can be any book, but, it has to be a novel. You all will be working with a partner on this assignemt. Before all of you start picking your partners, I already have them assigned." Mrs. Smith smiles like the damned life ruiner she is.

I'm actually kind of thankful that's she's picking our partners. Nobody ever wants to be partners with me. More than half the time, I'm my own partner.

"Melanie and Andrea. Nichole and Colton. Drew and Eliza. Austin and Dean. Eve and Makayla. Louis and Harry..."

I was centimeters away from hugging this women. She put me with Harry, the guy I've had a crush on since forever.

A wide smile spreads from ear to ear. I turned and looked at Harry, who was already looking at me. A blush crept on my cheeks as he smiles the slightest bit.

I look away for maybe only 15 seconds when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"We should probably get to together after school, ya know, and work on the project." I'm stunned.

That's the longest sentence he's ever said to me. I open my mouth, but close it shut again.

Harry raises his right eye brow, as if asking to respond. "Sure." I say, trying to sound calm.

"I'll meet you at your locker after school, and we can ride to my house."

"Good sounds." Damn it, Louis.

"Sorry, I meant sounds good." He shakes his head and smiles, then walks away slowly.

Bless Mrs. Smith. You are a goddess.

(Harry's POV)

I'm actually very curious about how this projects going to turn out. I've never had Louis as a partner before, in anything.

But I do know that he's crazy smart, at least I know we'll get a good grade.

Its after school and I find my way to Louis' locker. He has quite a handful of books in his hands. As I get closer, Zayn approaches me.

"Aye mate, watch this." He has this crooked evil smile, and I know this won't end well.

He walks in Louis direction and smacks all of Louis books to the ground, papers flying everywhere.

Every girl and boy in the hallway laughed and pointed and made ignorant remarks. Zayn laughs the hardest.

My blood was boiling and I had to do something.

"Zayn! What the fuck was that!?" I scream. But his smile only grows wider. "Aye! You saw that? Classic right! Did you catch it on video?"

I throw him against the locker, "THATS ENOUGH ZAYN. I don't think your funny!"

"Chill man, look around. Everyone else thinks its funny."

"But does he?" I ask, pointing to Louis, who is stunned to say the very least. "I-i-i uh."

"I-i-i- uh uh uhhhh" Zayn mocks.

I take him by his hair and throw him into his locker. "You don't seem to know when enough is enough now do you."

I let him go and Zayn walks away.

"Hey need some help?" I ask Louis. He just looks at the ground and picks up more papers. "You didn't have to do any of that. I'm used to it."

I pick up his books, "But that's the thing. Your used to it, you shouldn't have to stand through something like that. Its harsh, and I don't like how he treats you."

"Thanks," he says as he stands. "But I'll be okay."

"Okay. But hey, let's go work on this project, eh?"

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