Chapter 5

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(Louis' POV)

First our was being a total drag for me today.

Perhaps its because I stayed up late last night thinking of perfcef scenarios with Harry that will, unfortunately, never happen.

Mid period I was hit on the side of my head with a wad of paper. I looked at it quizzically and thought of the direction it came in.

I turned to my right and there was the cheeky bastard himself.

"Was that necessary?" I whisper with a smirk. "It was very necessary." Harry replied. I rolled my eyes and he gestured for me to open it.

On the inside of the crumpled piece of paper was a note.

Hi. Xx.

I crumpled the paper back up and threw it right back at him, "Oops," I whisper.

"Mr. Styles and Mr. Tomlinson, do we have a problem?" Mrs. Smith asked.

"No," Harry and I said in unison. She nodded her head unsurely and continued to write notes on the board.

We both look at each other and cover our mouths as we laugh.

First period didn't last long after that, which made me and Harry go our separate ways.

It genuinely pisses me off that I have one class with Harry, but we always seem to make the best out of it. We're getting along very smoothly. And I hope nothing changes.

The rest of the day dragged on for what seemed like forever. I just wanted to hangout with Harry.

Is that bad?

Sometimes I wonder if he likes spending time with me as much as I do him.


(Harry's POV)

I decided that Louis and I would be better off going to a pizza parlor than my house. My dad was home and I didn't want him to witness anything he doesn't want to.

I wouldn't, that's for sure.

When we got to the parlor to discuss the book project, we both agreed on a supreme pizza and sat at a booth patiently.

"So, do you have any ideas for the project?" Louis asks intently. "I was kinda hoping you did." I smirk with guilt.

"Alrighty, well I guess today will be a brainstorming day."

I raise my eyebrows, hencing I have no idea what that means. He gets the hint and says "Thinking of ideas for the project."


What was supposed to be an afternoon full of "brainstorming" it actually consisted of a food fight and getting kicked out of the parlor.

Louis and I were currently sitting on the curb by the parlor watching cars go by like drunken hippies on Christmas.

"Well I should be getting home." Louis says abrubtly. I frown, "But its only 5, you should stay a little bit longer." I beg.

Louis smirks, "Alright I guess so," he sits back down and continues, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well I barely know you, and you barely know me. We should ask each other questions maybe?" I ask.

Louis nods his head, "Yeah sure, that' be fun!"

I smile widely at his enthusiasm. "I'll go first, do you have your eye on any girl?"

He blushes so I know he's thinking of someone. He looks down at his feet and smiles, "Nah, not really."

"Oh c'mon, I don't believe it for a second. There has to be someone." Again he just shakes his head and looks away from me.

"There's no point in liking any girls, they wouldn't like me back. I'm ugly and a geek with one friend. I'm socially awkward and I dress funny and-"

"You stop this right now," I say, actually kind of angered. "Your so negative about yourself. You shouldnt be. But hey, one friend? I'm here aren't I? Don't I count as like 10?"

A smile plays on his lips and changes the subject. "Alright so my turn?" I nod. "How are you and Katy? You still goin' strong?" Louis nudges me and winks.

"Honestly, I'm not sure." I honestly say. "We never hangout, and I don't think she cares because she never makes an effort for us to hangout. We never talk outside of school and I don't know how much more of that I can handle. I can't be in a relationship with someone that isn't interested. You know what I mean?"

"You need to talk to her." Louis says bluntly. "What?"

"She'll just continue to be oblivious until you say something. She probably doesn't mean to appear uninterested, I mean your Harry Styles for crying out loud." Louis scoffs.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" I tease. "Well, you have the looks and the popularity and the athletics. What's not to like about you?"

Louis stares down at his feet, "My life isn't all that great, Lou." I say honestly. "What do you mean?" He asks intently.

"That's another story for another time. Let's get you home. Its getting late."

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