[Skylan] September 20th, 2014

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September 20th, 2014

From Skylan, To Grace

I will definitely miss you, Grace. I already do. But I really didn't have a choice anymore. I couldn't stay any longer.

I'm sorry there's nothing I could do about this. Trust me, I wanted to tell you. But you would've hated me, Grace. And I don't want you to hate me.

My parents would've also hated me. Everyone would have. Honestly, I wouldn't blame them. I hate me too.

It was hard to leave. It really was. And I don't know why I'm doing this. The woman sitting next to me on the plane seems to be extremely annoyed by my constant sobbing.

It just seems like this would be your thing; to write out on a paper what you're feeling. You were always the intellectual one, and you're very creative.

You held diaries and sketch books. I was always on my phone scrolling through my Twitter news feed.

The point is, I don't know why I'm writing this. It almost seems like I'm writing to you. I feel like this is a letter I will send you.... but I know that's not the case. I'm too much of a coward to do that.

Regardless, I feel like you're still here this way. It's nice to pour my heart out, even though it's being poured out into the void. For no one to hear. And for no one to care.

I know you'd care, Grace. You'd still care about me. You're an amazing friend. I will miss you, so, so much.

At least this way, I'm okay.

I'll be okay.

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