Nine Months Later

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Nine Months Later

The doorbell rings. I stand from my comfortable position on the couch and head towards the front of the house. I turn the doorknob and open the door-

My jaw drops.

"Skylan?" Tears form in my eyes from the taste of that name on my lips.

I havn't seen her in so long.

"Grace." She smiles weakly.

Almost in sync, we jump into each other's arms.

"I'm s-so sorry," she stutters through tears.

We hold on a second longer before taking a step back.

"There's so m-much I need to tell you. And someone you need to meet." She takes my hand in hers and brings me towards her car before I can answer.

Skylan pulls the car door open and waves me closer.

I don't know what I expected, but this certainly wasn't it.

"Grace, I'd like you to meet Johnathan."

Eyes shut, enveloped in blankets, is a fragile little baby boy. He lays in his car-seat, sleeping peacefully.

I look up at Skylan with admiration. My old best friend has given birth to a miracle, and as she looks at me with the proudest mother smile I've ever seen, I can't help but gush.

"You're so lucky, you know. He's the cutest little baby I've ever seen. You look so happy, Skylan. I've missed you so much. Are you back for good?"

"For good this time. I missed you too." She wraps her arms around me once again.

Many things are running through my thoughts at once. Skylan hasn't even been gone for a full nine months yet. Which means it's practically impossible for the father to be from wherever she flew off to. So the father is here? From our town? Then who is he? Maybe this is the reason why she left in the first place. To avoid him? To avoid the judgmental people in her life?

"When do I get to meet the father?" I ask.

"You've met him already."

My brows furrow and I look up at her with a questioning look.

"How's that even possible? I don't know anyone who-"

"It's Tom."

[The End]

[Fear not, hence there shall be an Epilogue]

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