The Cast of Unlikely Allies

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Before our wonderful story begins, we must begin where all tales begin; with our cast of magnificent characters. On this journey we may lose some allies, and we may also gain some, only time will tell. Here are our wonderful main characters that our journey begins with; each one created from the minds of others.

First we'll meet the tall fishman, Camel Bobby. He towers over others, and is used to being the biggest around. With skin the color of pale kelp and eyes a molten brown, he stands out in a crowd even more than just at his unusual height and large build, not to mention the lack of hair, webbed hands and feet, and gills that show on his neck. What Camel lacks in intelligence, he makes up for with his loyalty to others and his sense of right and wrong, and his special secret gift that he traded his ability to swim for.

Next we'll meet your new favorite Amazonian-esk violinist and her pet snake. Elise J. Poggers, don't even try asking what the J stands for, and her best friend Robo Shibi 2.0. Elise looks pretty with her shoulder length black hair swept to the left and her bangs dangling over one of her grey eyes. She can hardly ever be seen without her violin or Robo Shibi 2.0 with her. Robo Shibi 2.0, because her full name is important, is a beautiful boa snake that is fairly sentient on her own. Elise too had traded her ability to swim for a secret gift.

Our first pure human is a 22 year old named Sharpeten Falick with his closest friend, a beautiful cat named Oliver. Sharpeten, despite his young age, has bright white hair. His small aqua eyes hold a haunted look from a past he refuses to speak of willingly. He tries to keep the peace but is well adept with a sword. A tattoo of a great sword on his right shoulder pokes out from under his shirtsleeve and another tattoo sits on his opposite hand. Oliver seems to understand what Sharpeten says. She has beautiful long dark fur and tends to stick close to her  human.

After Sharpeten, we'll meet the youngest doctor in the world. At 7 years old, Amelia is a very young aspiring doctor. She's typically found wearing an adult's doctor's coat with the sleeves pushed up so she can attempt to use her hands. Her hair is in a short brown bob, with hardly a hair out of place on her head.

Our last human to make an early appearance is Itta D. Kyrak, another white haired young man with bright silver eyes. He's a scrawny young man, determined to prove himself, and armed with three swords like a famous well known bounty hunter. He's average height, and has also traded his ability to swim for a special ability.

For now, these five people have nothing in common. They come from different places, and most have never met before in their lives. Join them on their epic adventures. Here is where the story begins...

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