Chapter 1

159 11 7

August 2019

Jesus it smells like weed thought Caroline as she walked into orientation, covering her nose, for her freshman year of high school. She was greeted with the smell of marijuana with the administrators demanding students to confess who was smoking on school grounds.

"There's a girl in the restroom around the corner." said an administrator.

The girl walked out the restroom with her eyes bright red, unable to keep herself still. Caroline saw her, recognizing the girl was her former best friends.

Precious was her name. Her and Caroline used to be inseparable since elementary school. Precious got tied up with the wrong crowd back in seventh grade. She skipped class, smoked, drank, and had sex with every boy she encountered. Caroline kept her distance, not risking her prefect attendance and straight A record.

Caroline looked at her mother, extremely bothered by the smell. The building may look modern and beautiful, but the students make it a complete hell hole.

Caroline's mom didn't have the money to enroll her to a great school where she was suitable. Her grades were amazing, but she wasn't financially stable in order to buy her books needed for her classes. So she was forced to go to her local high school. Caroline didn't mind as long as she keeps her distance from 90% of the student here at Westbrook High. Known for the "most unsafe high school in Texas."

The exterior of the school was so nice as so was the inside. The old building was crashed down by flames, caused by a boy who was smoking in the restrooms. The principal had faith since Westbrook High has a new building, it meant it was time for a new beginning.

"Hi Welcome to Westbrook High School. Are you here for freshman orientation?" Asked the sweet old lady at the front desk in the main office.

"Yes we are. We were just asking for her schedule and the school rule book for the upcoming school year." Said Caroline's mom, irritated by the stench of marijuana taking over the front of the school.

"Of course!" Said the old lady, with pale skin and very vibrant blue eyes, she pulled out a very thick book and in the front of the book screamed "Westbrook High School Official Rule Book 2019-2020"

Dude how the hell are there so many- Caroline's train of thought was cut off by someone tapping on her shoulder. She turned around to see that it was Precious.

"So, Miss Goody Two Shoes is attending Westbrook High" said with a giggle at the end of her sentence.

Caroline's mom turned around. She looked at Caroline. Caroline nodded her head signaling her mother she has this under control. Her mom turned back around to talk to the lady in the front desk.

"Yeah, yeah I am. What's the issue?" asked Caroline, with a robotic tone.

Precious widened her eyes, surprised by the tone of her former best friend.

"Wow, since when do YOU have an attitude? Last time I check you were a girl with respect." said Precious sarcastically crying.

Caroline snapped and said "Precious, it's not my fault I told you i didn't want to be friends. You were risking my future AND my life. I could've been dead by now if it weren't for my instinct to not letting me and you go in that car. May those who died Rest In Peace." Caroline paused. "By the way, didn't they caught you hitting a blunt today?"

Precious laughed and said "I told them the one who was smoking left, I told them I had allergies that's why my eyes were red."

Caroline thought how stupid and clueless the staff here can be.

"Okay Precious, honey, you can leave now. Or do you want me to ask for your schedule too?" Asked Caroline's mom.

"Nah I'm good. Thanks though." responded Precious, offended by her offer.

Caroline and her mom left the school and went inside the car. Her mom sat there staring into the open field in front of them. She finally broke the silence.

"She has the nerve to speaks to you when she almost put you and her life in danger. Jesus I cannot believe her mother isn't doing anything about this. She was a wonderful girl with morals. Now she turned into a manipulative criminal. She's lucky she's your age or I would've called the cops on her."

"Okay mom estás exagerando," Caroline interrupted "No te preocupes. There's a reason why I told you. Because I trust you. I won't let her do anything to me." Caroline assures her mom as she looked at her worried eyes.

"Ayy mija espero que no te moleste. Well, we have to go home before your sister gets back from work. She gets very hungry after work." Caroline's mom quickly said while starting the car and driving off of the school parking lot.

She was ready to turn on the stop sign when suddenly a boy ran in the middle of the street. Caroline's mom slammed the breaks which made her and Caroline's heart stop. They boy was standing in front of them. He started laughing and walked away.

Suddenly, Caroline's mom pulled down her window and yelled to the boy, "¿QUE TIENES EN LA CABEZA CHAMACO? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING BOY?"

They boy turned around. He had a black hoodie and had his hood on. Caroline tried to see if he recognized the boy but couldn't with the hood covering most of his face.

"Expect the unexpected!" Said the boy

Caroline's eyes widen. She's heard that voice before. The boy quickly turned around and kept walking. Caroline's mom shook her head as she pulled her window up.

Throughout the car ride, the boys voice echoed inside Caroline's head. Those words kept on repeating and repeating.

Who can that be? thought Caroline.

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