golden girl

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FAITH UNDERWOOD always admired how Renee seemed to glow, it was as if she had her own personal sun tucked away somewhere. At that moment, Renee was glowing more than ever. She could easily outshine the sunlight struggling to invade the room through the window blinds. Her smile was stretched to her ears and her blue eyes were wide with excitement.

Renee called all three of them, said she had some exciting news that she needed to tell them in person. Like the flock of sheep they were known to be, they assembled at her house.

"So what's up? You've been smiling like a maniac since we all got here. Spill already," Ruby blurted. She was the bravest out of all of them. Known to always speak her mind, even if all odds were against her.

"It's called being dramatic, Ruby," Renee said, rolling her eyes. Her annoyance was short-lived as she remembered why she was so happy.

Faith honestly needed Renee to speed things up, she was missing her usual brunch date with her boyfriend, Micah.

"Seriously, Renee, hurry up," Faith said, bouncing impatiently on the bed. "You know I have my brunch date with Micah."

"Ugh, you guys are no fun." Renee pouted. She got up from her queen-sized bed, which could barely contain them, yet, no one wanted to take the desk chair because they all wanted to be at the forefront of Renee's excitement.

Renee swirled around in glee, her lush, golden locks following the pattern of her theatrics before she came to a dizzy halt. "So guys, God finally answered my prayers. Last night, as I was going through my emails, I saw this professional looking one. I decided to check it out. Can you believe a modelling agency wants to work with me? They saw my pictures on the website we all decided to post our portfolio on. Apparently, I have legs for days. They want me in New York first thing tomorrow."

Ruby, Amara and Faith all stared at Renee in disbelief. Ruby raised a brow, Amara's mouth hung open, while Faith wore a look of utter confusion, obviously still trying to piece together the nonsense Renee spilt out.

Modelling Agency? New York?

She was leaving!

Ruby was the first to speak, as usual. "What the actual fuck? Don't get me wrong I'm freaking proud of you, but you're going to New York?"

Amara closed her mouth, probably realising she looked like a mounted fish. "Wait, you're actually going?" She asked.

Renee nodded with a smile. She turned to Faith, waiting for Faith's own words of doubt.

Faith sighed, she was too nice to think of anything else, so she said, "I'm really proud of you too." Even though she thought it was crazy plus absolutely bizarre how fast it was happening.

Just three days ago Renee was balling her eyes out because she supposedly caught her boyfriend, Harry, checking out another girl's boobs. She'd cursed and cried all at once, till the point Faith thought she would inevitably burst into flames. Everything with Renee was always so dramatic. From her theatre worthy reactions to her pink-soaked room. She was the essence of exaggeration. So Faith couldn't blame Ruby and Amara for wearing looks of scepticism.

Renee was not oblivious to the fact that they didn't believe her, because she groaned in a tone that meant she was over their doubt. She marched to her wooden desk drawer and snatched some pieces of paper, which she handed to the unbelievers.

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