The Jewel of the Land (MinHo) Chapter 4

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The morning after Julia felt the rays of the sun shine through the crack in the velvet curtains. She smiled as she recalled last night's event and stretched out her body, happy to have the blankets coating her body. Beside her the king dozed, not fully awake quite yet. She stared at her tummy and wondered if an heir was growing in there yet...


The idea made her smile.

Outside the palace walls the birds chirped and the banter of the city folks floated towards her. Many were all still drunk off the royal celebrations as was she. The party had been extravagant though she had to contest that none of it could have matched the night she'd had with her husband. Turning to her side she traced his pink lips with a forefinger, sighing to herself.

However she'd gotten so lucky as to marry into his family, she wasn't sure.

The finger she held traced down the sturdy chin of the king, grinning a silly grin at the stubble that rubbed against the pad. She could have laid in bed forever and ogled him like that had she given the chance but a tap at the door reminded her of her duties.

"The sun is risen my queen," the maid called on the other side, probably laden with linens meant to clothe her.

"In a moment maid," Julia called out, sighing. Her body was sore from the pleasure but she forced it to cooperate to her demands, slinking out of bed to drape her shoulders in a soft robe.

"Enter quietly," Julia called. From the corner of her eye she could already see MinHo stirring, sleeping face scrunching and arms stretching out above her head. Her eyes dangled on his arm pit hair and she bit her lip, looking away so she wouldn't think impure thoughts about his chest.

The maid slunk in, as predicted, arms full of bathing materials while the two girls behind her followed with a casual gown and boxes full of accessories.

"Is his majesty still in slumber?" she whispered, not daring to raise her gaze at the royals.

Julia smiled, sitting at her mirror and pulling a brush through her hair. "It was a festive night; he's awfully tired," she explained.

"Have you any news of an heir?" a younger maid squeaked curiously.

The head maid's eyes widened and she snapped a disapproving comment to her subordinate. "You mustn't make such casual comments, Maria!" she chastised, flustered.

Julia chuckled despite her flushed cheeks. She replaced her brush by her make up and rose.

"Shall we begin?" she questioned softly.

As the maids led her into the bathing quarters MinHo sat up. The blanket fell from his chest and revealed his toned and tanned body. A lazy smile graced his lips as his hand ruffled his hair.

"Already getting ready, m'lady?" he asked cheekily.

Julia felt her neck heat up and tugged her robe around her body more tightly out of habit.

"Rest while you can, my lord, as you may not have the chance soon..." she advised, disappearing into the bathroom. The young maids were giggling when she entered, having probably seen more of the king than they should have. Thankfully the head maid was scolding them once again, a stern look on her face. The second the queen was noticed, however, she straightened and ordered the girls to prepare the tub.

"Today is quite a relaxed day," she informed the queen, helping her disrobe.

"That was swell," Julia breathed, dying to feel the hot water caress her body. "I am not up to a heavy schedule today."

Alas, the bath was drawn and while holding the hand of a maid she climbed the one step and let her slip into the comforting water. She sighed at the heavenly filled and tilted her head backwards to soak her hair.

"Would you like lavender or vanilla, your majesty?" a maid asked, holding up to soap bottles.

"Vanilla," Julia chose, smiling as she recalled what MinHo had said to her whilst nuzzling her neck the night before with regards to her shampoo.

Her mind kept wandering to these things as the maids scrubbed her body. Even when the towels were drying her and she was waltzing back into the room to get dressed she still thought of her husband (no longer in bed but most likely in his own bathing quarters).

The dress she was adorning that day was a simple lilac colour, swirling around her ankles as she walked and hugging her torso in a tight bodice decorated with silver thread.

Julia admired what she could see as the head maid fixed her hair on her head, polishing off the look with the tiara used for every day appearances.

"There my queen. You are looking radiant as ever today," the maid praised as she pulled her hands away.

"Thank you maid," the queen said. She pushed away from the mirrors, spinning once to admire her appearance before placing a hand on her stomach.

"We'll need to tailor some new gowns soon," she remarked.

The maid giggled and passed the queen a butterfly comb to fasten in her hair. "Oh your majesty has anything even been yet confirmed?" she questioned, hiding her amusement behind her hand.

Julia smiled along with the maid, spending a moment more in the mirror to adjust the comb before nodding.

"The deed was only performed after the festivities so I'm certain it won't be another two moons till we hear of anything..." she agreed.

"Very well then your majesty," the maid said. "I do hope it happens soon. Shall we head off now? Breakfast is sure to be on the table." She curtsied to the queen and shot a look at the other maids to do the same before spinning on their heels to lead the way to the dining hall.

Halfway down the hall, caught in dreams of her future, Julia was stopped by a butler escorting MinHo.

"M'lady," MinHo greeted, not allowing the suited man to do the proper greetings. "Let us walk down to breakfast together," he said, smiling big.

Out of respect and pure excitement at being around her spouse, Julia nodded and accepted the arm offered to her. In front the young maids giggled as the butler and head maid ambled the group down the halls.

"You left early this morning," MinHo noted as they fell back from the group ever so slightly.

"A queen takes much longer to get ready than her lazy king," Julia teased, staring up at MinHo through her thick lashes.

She solicited a chuckle from the man who patted her hand dearly. "I would wake up before dawn every day if it meant being able to see you stir."

"You really are clever with your words this morning," Julia chastised jokingly. Her laughter dwindled to a hum in her throat and she picked up a tune, grinning at MinHo the whole while. He returned her sentiments by brushing his fingers over her skin, tucking strands of hair back into place - finding any excuse to feel her. All the way to the dining hall they kept at it until they were forced to separate, one to each end of the table.

"Have a good meal your majesties," the head maid said, curtsying before leaving with her assistants.

The royal pair exchanged looks across the table and smiled, the glint reaching their eyes, before digging into their breakfast. Unbeknownst to them, they’d be feeding much more than just their own two mouths soon…

The Jewel of the Land (A MinHo Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora