The Jewel of the Land (MinHo) Chapter 7

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Julia stirred from her slumber that morning feeling brighter than she had in a long time. She turned onto her side, cuddling up to her husband to enjoy the last moments of her night. She had one hand placed on his abdomen while the other cushioned her head and she smiled...

Alas, she'd be able to start in on her duty to the kingdom.

"Good morning, m'lady," MinHo greeted, nuzzling into his wife's neck.

Julia blushed despite herself but allowed him to have his way, deciding that they were both allowed to celebrate their recent news. She kissed his nose and giggled when he poked her side, pulling away just in time to get out of reach of his second blow.

"My lord, are you slacking off on your duties?" she teased, closing her eyes and falling back into her arms.

"Is that tone meant to reprimand me?" MinHo asked, a giggle in his voice. He brushed his fingers through the queen's hair and took in a deep breath, enjoying the way she smelled in the mornings. "I have ordered a team to help you with the preparations for the prince," he said at last.

"Have you?" Julia asked, hardly speaking above a whisper. "I have ideas on the arrangements already... Can you believe it's finally happened?"

"I'll believe it when you begin to get your strength back, m'lady... Your fever has yet to disappear," MinHo murmured. He let his hand linger on her forehead to confirm what he had just said.

"I'm well enough to go around the castle, my lord," Julia contradicted. To prove her point she moved to the edge of her bed, sitting straight and using her fingers to undo the knots in her hair. Though her cheeks were flushed she didn't feel the turning in her belly or the dizziness behind her eyes any longer.

"See? Strong as a knight," she said to MinHo as he too sat up in bed.

"I'm still not sure," MinHo murmured. He laid his arm over Julia's chest, holding her back so she couldn't move any further. But the queen would have none of that and she wriggled out of his grip.

"My duties have been put off for long enough, my lord," she said.

"M'lady, I will not be letting you leave the room. Please, rest up for one more day. I can assure you that the kingdom will understand your absence." MinHo tucked the blankets beneath Julia's chin, kissing her temple.

She would have protested if her body hadn't been so content with the arrangement. It had been chilly out in the room... And the bed was so comfy... And now that she thought of it, there was still a slight pain behind her eyes...

"Maybe another day of rest will do me good," Julia murmured, already falling back into slumber.

"Yes... While you rest I'll make the plans to announce the arrival of an heir to the people."

With a final kiss to the head of his sleeping bride, MinHo left the bed. His servants were already awaiting him, towels folded over their arms amongst other things needed to prepare him for the day. As he was bathing the head servant read him his schedule today and MinHo forced him to leave a space of an hour or so so that he could arrange a presentation for his future son.

With his attire all primped for the public MinHo made the rounds. He visited the kitchens, the gardens, the nobles and politicians who helped him run his castle. But the anxiousness ate at him. Just before dawn he would make a trip down to the village and announce his news personally to the people.

"Your majesty, your majesty."

The king sighed, turning to face his subject and finding himself confronted by two slabs of fabric.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2012 ⏰

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