Chapter 1. The Very Begining

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Chavez's POV:

Me and Hendry William French walked into Beaver's tavern I was sweating heavily from gunshot wound I knew I was dying weather I liked or not I sat down in the chair pulling my gloves off my gloves were so stuck to my hands that I had to pull them off with my teeth I sat back in the chair breathing heavily I closed my eyes to try and ease the pain I was feeling suddenly I heard a click of gun being cocked my head I opened my eyes and looked over towards my right and standing there beside me was Billy The Kid himself

Buenas tardes amigos Billy laughed

You're not dead Hendry said

Do I look dead you should've seen the short work I made of Bob Ollinger spread him out like Tularosa bwuusshh! Billy replied while laughing his butt off

I rolled my eyes I wasn't in the mood for Billy's childish manner I was in a lot of pain but I didn't know how to tell Billy that

We're skinning out there a herd of slow elk resting up at Grezchelowski's sheep camp we'll cut them and then we'll ride for Canada Chavez make sure the horses are water Hendry..... Billy began

I'll be staying here I said

You stay here Garret will take you Billy replied

Garret already took me I replied

Billy stood looking at me hoping to god it was a joke but it wasn't I was dying or at least I was Billy walked over to me and asked me when did I get shot I told him when Doc was killed he opened up the inside of my jacket and saw the bullet wound he frowned upon seeing the gunshot wound

That's a bad shot Chavez any man who gets shot like that it's..... Billy started but he couldn't finish so I finished it for him

It's over I said

Billy nodded and walked over he flipped a table in rage then he turned to me he was almost crying

It Ain't supposed to be you sitting there like that it's supposed to be me he said

I sighed softly and got up I walked out of tavern Billy followed me I looked back at him once last time or least that's what I thought was going to be the last time he said my name and I nodded in response I walked towards a dark building and dropped onto the ground my lungs were burning like there was fire in them I coughed up blood a little I was breathing heavily I could feel death coming for me suddenly I felt something nudge me I looked up and saw a black wolf dog standing in front of me

Oh great now I'm going to be eaten by wild animals that's just great I muttered softly

But instead of the dog trying feed on me he just licked my face and whined softly when I didn't respond to anything he laid right beside me as if he was guarding me I had my arm over him as I laid there as we laid there I heard footsteps and mumbling but couldn't quite make out who they were then everything went completely black the last thing I heard was a soft whining noise

Hey I'm sorry this a short chapter uh but let me know what you think about it if you have any suggestions or questions let me know in the comments below thanks bye now

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