Chapter 3. Moving on in life

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(Hey everybody it's me Valens17 uh I'm finally updating on this book so I hope you all like it I will also try and update on a Journey of a lifetime one as well so be on the look out for that as well okay that's all I have to say about that right now thanks guys for being so supportive and I'm sorry it took so long to update thanks again guys I'm looking forward to seeing what you all think of this chapter bye now)

Chavez's POV:

Soon my stomach injury healed up and I was ready to get the hell out of Juarez that was where we were all staying me,Chivito Pat Garret, and Charlie's wife it was an early morning the sun was rising and I was waking up I sat up and stretched and yawned then I set my feet on the wooden floor of the room I was in it was cold and I hissed when cold wood touched my feet as I was getting up SolLeks woke up he perked his head up wagging his tail wondering what I was doing I put my boots on then I checked my holster making sure my weapons were up to date including my pistol normally I would carry a knife since I'm more of a knife except but of course because I didn't have a gun I got myself shot and so from now on I'm carrying both knives and a gun or two I loaded my gun then stuck it in my holster along with my knives after that I tied the holster around my waist there was a glass of water sitting on the bedside table I grabbed it and took a few drinks before heading out before I headed out SolLeks brought my jacket and gloves to me he set them down on my lap

Thanks bud I said putting them on

He just waged his tail even more and was panting like crazy it wasn't even hot outside as a matter of fact it wasn't even summertime yet it was only January 1881 I couldn't believe it we were almost done with the nineteenth century even though it was only the 1880's I shook my head trying to wake up I looked down at SolLeks I smiled softly at him he just looked up at me curious he was panting with his tongue hanging out of his mouth I chuckled and sighed softly petting his fur as I did he licked my hand

You ready to go boy? I asked

SolLeks barked happily he spun around excitedly I just shook my head trying not to chuckle I got up and we walked towards the door of the room SolLeks was the first one to reach the door he was scratching at it whining wildly I walked over as I was putting on my jacket and gloves I couldn't help but chuckle softly at SolLeks he turned back towards me barking and whining and spinning around like crazy then went back to scratching at the door I shook my head again as I walked towards the door

Okay okay SolLeks alright calm down boy I said opening the door and he ran out into the open

I stood there for a minute trying to wake up and soak up the sun it was cold out so I wrapped my jacket up around me trying to keep myself warm from the January weather I look over and saw people going about their day Juarez wasn't very big nor was it ever busy I must've been daydreaming because the next thing I knew SolLeks was whining standing in front of me nudging at my hand trying to get my attention I looked down at him worriedly wondering what he was wanting

"What? what's wrong? I asked looking down at him

SolLeks looked up at me panting softly I sighed softly petting him gently as I did he licked my hand as usual we walked towards Beavers the same exact spot where I thought I was dying of a fatal gunshot wound to the abdomen we walked in as we did I saw Beaver,Chivito,Pat and Charlie's wife Chivito finally got used to SolLeks being around me but SolLeks was a little suspicious of Chivito SolLeks stood by my side the entire time we were there he wouldn't leave my side no matter what I sat down at the same chair I sat down at the night I thought I was going to die when I sat down SolLeks walked up to me worriedly he whined softly laying his head down on my lap I took a deep breath as I began to gently stroke his fur SolLeks sat down while keeping his head resting on my lap he wagged his tail as he sat down Beaver and Pat had made breakfast for all of us but I wasn't all that hungry I just sipped on my orange juice while continuing petting SolLeks's fur I was lost in my own thoughts I was thinking about Doc and about how his wife is getting along without him as she had his child I never really knew her I barley knew her name the only time Doc ever mentioned her was when we were in the underground pit in Lincoln I knew that they married and I actually did meet her but it was very brief it was when we escaped Alex McSween's house during the battle of Lincoln but that was the only time Doc had ever mentioned her at all suddenly I was interrupted from my thoughts

Chavez are you going to Canada with Billy and Hendry? Pat asked

No I'm going to stay here in Lincoln it's my home I can't leave I replied taking another sip of my orange juice

But you and me are Pals remember you got come with us Chavez Chivito said almost heartbroken

Chivito I'm getting too old for this I just want to live out my life not be on the run anymore having to hide from everything and everyone it's just not me that's all I want is to live out my life maybe get married have a couple kids maybe even have grandkids if I live long enough I said

But... but how will I.... Chivito began

He was trembling he was scared he was shaking like a leaf like a deer standing in front of a hunter he was just a kid kinda like how Tom was just a kid even though Tom was 14 and Chivito is only 21 I knew he needed me but I wanted to walk away from that life of being an outlaw being wanted dead or alive by bounty hunters who try and get the bounties that are on my head Chivito bowed his head down as if he was trying to hide the fact that he was crying his eyes out I sighed softly shaking my head

Come here I said holding up my arm

Chivito looked at me confused so I Motioned him towards me he got the message he wiped the tears on his sleeve making a shuffling noise as he walked towards me he kneeled down rather quick sobbing into my lap I stroked his hair as he buried his face into my lap crying like a baby I tried to comfort him I knew he needed me but I just couldn't go on being an outlaw Chivito was like a little brother to me I loved him and I would do anything to protect him but he was going to Canada and I just couldn't handle it especially since I got shot I felt bad for him he scared he was almost like a child I guess that was why everybody called him "The Kid" but I knew that he was luckiest wide eye in New Mexico he looked up at me all scared I ruffled his hair and smiled softly at him he laid his head back down onto my lap once last time then he went back and sat down in his chair Beaver and Pat as well as Charlie's wife couldn't believe what just happened

Uh what just happened? Pat asked surprised

I chuckled and shook my head while petting SolLeks's fur and taking a couple of sips of my orange juice after breakfast it was time for Billy and Hendry to go I was going to miss Chivito but I knew I'd see him again I stood there as Chivito packed his horse he walked over towards me with tears in his eyes he stood a few inches from me I could tell he was nervous he was used to me and Doc being there for him we were the Regulators Pals forever he tried to put on a brave face as so did I we shook hands

You're already? I asked

Yeah I'm really going to miss you Chavez he replied shakily

I know but we'll meet again someday I just want you to take care of yourself I told him

I will he answered then we hugged for a bit

Hey your arm is fully healed Chivito said after pulling away from our little hug and he was looking at my arm

I looked down at my arm and saw that it had fully healed up from when Arkansas Dave plunged it into my arm when we got into that knife fight on the Apache burial ground I couldn't believe it I took the bandage off of it and only saw a scar on it the scar was going to be permanent but I didn't care I was just glad that it healed

Yeah I guess you're right it is healed up I said

Chivito smiled joyfully then he hugged one last time then it was time he mounted up onto his horse and rode off I waved goodbye as he did the same thing I stood there until I couldn't see him anymore I was proud of him and I knew Doc would be proud of him to after I couldn't see Chivito anymore I walked back towards the room I was staying in and got packed up it was going to be a long trip from here back to Lincoln I knew I had to get rested up for it and that's exactly what I did

Hey everybody it's me Valens17 uh well that's chapter three for you I hope you like it let me know in the comment section below thanks guys talk to you all soon bye now

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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