Chapter 18: New life

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A/N: Ahahahahahahaha.... I think I deserve an award for Worst Author ever. 

And because I'm such a shitty author, you may insert insults and rants about the long wait here:

(insert here)

Done? Alright! Then, let's continue with chapter 18! (Pls don't kill meh >.<) 

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima ;3

"You were right. We have no intention of seeing our 'beloved' guys again. We accept your offer." Lisanna announced.

The girls stood in front of the dark lord, expecting an answer. They all stared at Zeref, who seems to be lost in thought.

"Maybe it was a trick. Maybe he wants to kill us here!" Juvia whispered to Cana. Cana shook her head and was about to answer, but suddenly Zeref spoke.

"Perfect. Now ladies, let's get going." he was about to walk away, but was stopped by Lucy.

"What about our luggage we brought here?" 

"We're getting that later. For now, leave it to me." Zeref smiled. (Yeah, smiled O.o)

Lucy, Cana, Lisanna and Juvia followed Zeref through the woods, talking as if they knew each other for years. After hours of walking, the group reached a river, about 500 meters wide. In the distance, a huge, black castle was visible. 

"Ladies?" Zeref asked, turning around. "We've almost arrived. All we have to do is cross this river." he explained, pointing into the distance. 

"Juvia can make one of her weird air bubble thingies!" Lucy suggested earning a death glare from the said water mage. 

"That's a great suggestion, but as I said earlier, leave it to me." Zeref said walking along the shoreline. 

"Great Suggestion." Juvia snarled at Lucy. 

The group wandered along the shore, following the dark lord who seemed to be searching for something. 

"AHA!" He exclaimed after quite a while, relieving the girls. "Step back" he instructed. 

While taking a step back, Zeref said some ancient words to which a huge, black ship appeared.

"Step aboard" Zeref said, helping each girl onto the ship, Lucy being the last one. 

"Thanks" she whispered before walking towards Cana who didn't lose one word throughout the journey. 

"What's up." Lucy greeted the brunette.

"Hm..." Cana replied, her head hanging over the railing of the ship. 

"Are you seasick?" Lucy asked, somewhat worried.

"No, I... I'm regretting the choice we made... a bit." Cana said, her voice down to make sure Zeref didn't hear her. 

"Cana. I know it might be hard. I miss Erza, Levy, Wendy and the rest too but this is for our happieness. Sometimes, we have to be selfish. We can't always make sure the people surrounding us are happy while we drown in sorrow and misery. The choice we made is the right one." Lucy said, soothing teh brunette. 

"You're right." Cana said, turning back towards the water. 

Lucy sighed, and decided to join Juvia's and Lisanna's conversation. "Yo." she greeted the girls. 

"Hey there." Lisanna greeted the blonde.

"Hi" Juvia greeted.

"So, what are you ladies talking about?" Lucy inquired. 

Shattered - a Fairy Tail FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora