Where did Nerris go...?

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Everything was fine and as normal as camp camp could possibly be. This was indeed a fact until one the  campers , to be specific it had been Harrison, brought up a question about Nerris. It was a simple question and it had been  brought during activities,  the question made David realize that the mentioned camper was nowhere in sight. He began asking the other kids if they had seen Nerris at all that day making all the kids suddenly confused and worried for their fellow friends well being. Ered went to go find her tent buddy and checked in her tent by there was no Nerris. Gwen looked around immediately for the possible endangered girl but to no avail as there was no Nerris. The search for the small  female lasted until it was really dark out which is when they all decided to take a break and go to bed despite some of the campers protests to keep searching for their friend. It wasn't until midnight that Max went to the dock to just sit and relax for awhile and found a small drop of blood in the nearby grass that led to more splatters of the red liquid and it slowly but surely became a trail of close to fresh blood. Max widened his eyes in concern and fear as he slowly followed the trail into the woods and finding a small hidden and run down cabin where the blood poured from under the door. Max didn't want to open the door but curiosity took over and he slowly pulled open the old rotting wood door, God had he wished that he never had done such an action . Nerris was laying on the wooden floor of the old cabin, her eye was missing and blood poured from the socket, her jaw seemed to be brokn and her tongue had been cut off. Her glasses were bloodied and cracked while her neck was slit and her stomach was sliced open, revealing it's contents of organs half spilling on the cold ground . It smelled so bad Max had nearly threw up but held it back  and stared at the dead camper in front of him as he trembled in fear of what had done this, or who. That's when he noticed the purple Kool aid dripping from Nerris's mouth and it's as if the fact hit him straight in the face as he realized that Daniel had come back for revenge and what proved the point was the message dome with blood on the wall. It said "I'm coming for you little troublemaker." The message was so devilish it scared the shit out of him  and made his legs wobble violently as he realized Daniel was after him because he was the one that stopped Daniel's actions and ruined his fucked up plans. Max ran away from the violent  crime scene  and ran straight into David's cabin and right into a worried and stressed councelor who looked down at him with a expression of empathy as he knelt down and spoke softly,"Max...? Are you okay? Are you alright?  What happened buddy...?" David expected a growl or a  vulgar comment from the child but instead of that response he was given a small sniffle. David closed the door and made a hot and nice  cup of coco for Max as he sat down with him on the couch and while Max anxiously sipped the hot beverage, he stuttered out a few words, Nerris and blood being two of the words mumbled. David's eyes widened and he attempted to stay calm as he nervously asked what the little frightened boy meant only receiving a small whimper from Max. David managed to eventually calm him down so he could be able to explain the  situation at hand and the scene he had earlier witnessed. Once the explanation was told David had teared up a little and looked away for a few seconds not knowing what to do or say. Soon after that he decided to keep the boy in his cabin for tonight , letting him have the bed while David took the couch. Little did they know...this was the beginning of a long, brutal, depressing summer.

And Nikki was the next step of the big plan.

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