Silly Girl

19 1 1

"Baby I'm home!" I close the front door behind me, finally coming home after a long day at work.

I walk upstairs to find Mia in her office. She sits at her computer, drawing a logo for something. I lean against the doorframe, watching her for a little bit before finally coming behind her and kissing her cheek.

"Hey babe~" She smiles, returning the kiss.

"When are you gonna be finished?" I fake whine. "I want my baby to snuggle.."

"I got off about an hour ago, I'm just working on this one cause I didn't have anything else to do. And I wanted to try and finish it today." She giggles. "I can work on it later though." She clicks through windows  and tabs on her computer before powering it off.

I pick her up and carry her to our room. I lay on the bed with her and sigh happily.

"You snuggle addict.." She giggles.

"You're fun to snuggle!" I fake yell.

"Just like you're fun to kiss." She kisses me briefly.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I roll my eyes, smiling.

"You know you love me."

"Of course I do. If I didn't I wouldn't wanna marry you someday." I kiss her forehead.

"Don't get sappy on me now!" She scrunches her nose cutely.

She opens her mouth to continue but soon cuts off due to a yawn.



"Yes you are."

"Maybe I'm just a little tired.." She yawns again, rubbing her eye with her fist.

"Lay down then. Nap time." I pull a blanket over us.


"Yeeeees!" I slip her rabbit stuffed animal in her arms and her pacifier in her mouth. "Sleep princess.."

She nods wordlessly and presses against me only to soon fall asleep. I find myself falling asleep with her.

We sleep no more than two hours. I only woke up because of the alarm I'd set. I look at Mia who's still sleeping soundly, no surprise. I always have to wake her up because alarms can't wake her up usually. I kiss her forehead and shake her gently.

"Baby it's time to get up.." I say softly so I don't scare her.

She groans, curling up into a ball. "Noooo...."


I position myself over her, placing my hands on either side of her head. She reaches up and squishes my cheeks.

"Fishy.." She giggles and kisses me.

I can't help but laugh too. "C'mon you silly girl.." I pick her up.

"Your silly girl."

"Yes I'm sorry. My silly girl." I carry her downstairs and set her down in the living room.

"Is my silly girl hungry?"

"A wittle.."

"Good, little ones like you need food to get big." I look for something to make.

"Mac n cheese..?" She asks quietly, getting out her coloring book and crayons.

"You need something else to go with it."


"I'll find something, love." I smile, getting the Mac n cheese out.

"Okay!" She puts her pacifier in her mouth and starts coloring.

I start making the Mac n cheese, turning on music for us both to listen to. We don't really like the same music so I just put on bts. I hear Mia mumbling the lyrics to Fire every now and then.

"Mommy mommy!"

"Yes angel?"

She runs to me and shows the picture she colored. It's a pony with rainbow hair and blue skin.

"I made Dashie!"

"Good job baby I love it." I smile.

She grins and goes back to the living room to color some more.

"You don't wanna hang that one up?"

"Nope! This one stays in the book!"

"Whatever you say.." I chuckle.

I finish making Mac n cheese and put hers in the fridge to cool down. I get my little bag of white cheddar popcorn that Mia hates and sit my plate down on the floor.

I get hers from the fridge. "Cheeto puffies?"

"Yup!" She nods.

I get her bag of cheeto puffs and give her the plate.

"Mommy I don't have a fork...How do I eat this?"

"I guess you can't eat with your hands." I get her the Hello Kitty fork she loves oh so much.

"Tank you mommy." She kisses my cheek.

"You're welcome love." I smile and kiss her gently.

"Mommy can we watch cartoons?"



"Okay okay we'll watch it." I chuckle and turn the TV on. And with that being said, we start eating and cuddle after we finish.

"When's Jakey gonna be home?"

"I dunno baby, he should be home soon."

"Okay mommy.."

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