Glitter and Stickers

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"Jakey!" Mia looks up from her coloring book at Jacob who walks through the door.

"Meema!" Jacob yells back with equal enthusiasm.

He takes his shoes off and sits next to her.

"Look what I got." He shows her a bag full of stickers, glitter galore, and scrapbooking supplies. Her eyes go wide. "We're gonna start a scrapbook with pictures we've taken throughout the years. That sound fun?" He smiles.

"Jacob oh my god. We JUST finished cleaning up glitter from the last project!" I sigh heavily.

"We'll be careful this time! Right Meema?"

She nods. "We be careful mommy!"

"Fine," I give in. "If you make a mess YOU are cleaning it up!"

"That's fair. C'mon." He takes her into the kitchen and clears off the table.

"Did Jakey eat?" I hear Mia ask.

"I-Not yet." He replies.

"There's Mac n cheese! I can get Jakey mac n cheese!"

"It's okay Meema, I can find something."


"I'm gonna go out for a while okay guys?" I get up to grab my jacket and keys.

"Where to?" Jacob asks.

"Just gonna drive around." I smile.

"Be careful mommy!" Mia yells.

"I will if you give me my hug and kiss." I fake pout.

She gets up and hugs me tightly.

"That's my good angel. Be good for Jakey while I'm gone okay?"


"I love you!"

"I love you too!"

I smile and go out to my car. I drive around for a few hours, no destination in mind. But I do stop at a beautiful flowery clearing to take pictures of the sunset.

"She'd love these.." I say to myself, smiling.

I stayed out for a while longer before going back home, only to find them passed out on the living room floor with Moana playing.

"Oh my god.." I hold back laughter.

I pick Mia up and carry her into our room, laying her down on the bed. I slip her bunny stuffed animal in her arms and cover her up.

After about five minutes of searching I find her pacifier and slip it in her mouth before kissing her forehead.

I go into the kitchen to see what they've made so far. Various pictures of all of us fill the pages. They're decorated with pastel stickers and rainbows.

Closing the scrapbook, I'm met with a picture of us. All around it there's hearts of all colors and styles. Written in pastel purple blue and black-black isn't a pastel color..

Written in those colors are My Family!! Except the dots of the exclamation marks are hearts.

I put away some of the supplies that were left out and lay a blanket on Jacob, not wanting to wake him up. I go upstairs into our room and lay down in our room, pulling Mia closer to me.

"I love you.." I whisper before closing my eyes, soon falling asleep.

Pastel BabyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz