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> 평생 잠들기 전까지
공허함 속 의미를 찾지<


"san baby, you have school. up. now." called sans mom as she flicked on the light. he groans. rubbing his face into the pillow to rid himself of the sleepiness, it doesn't work very well. "damned school.." he mutters under his breath.
"excuse me?"
his eyes widen, "n-nothing! i have to get ready!" he smiles before pushing his mom out the door and shutting it. he lets out a sigh.

san gets ready. jeans and a hoodie. nothing special. quickly gathering everything, he heads downstairs and heads out the door. he walks most everyday. san prefers to have as little contact with his parents as he can. don't get him wrong. he loves his mom, he really does. she just doesn't have the best taste in men.


"sannie!!" shouts his best friend, yeosang. san loves him. they've been friends since elementary school. everything yeosang does, san is there with him. if san cries, yeosang cries as well. they're quite the power duo.
san smiles and give his friend a hug.
"i missed you." the words are barely there but they hold powerful meaning. yeosang had been on a trip and had just gotten back. they kept in contact through facetime and texting but it wasn't the same. having someone in front of you versus seeing them through a screen is very different. san missed seeing his friends smile and having the ability to hug him whenever.
"i missed you too bub." yeosang says sweetly.

eventually, they let go of each other and head into school.
san sighs. he just wants to curl up and have a movie marathon with his best friend.
is that too much to ask?

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