Tell me

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We're staring high
Into the bright blue sky
Waiting for the dark
To embrace to day

Looking across
Into your Ocean eyes
Waiting for your smile
To make me smile too

Then I'm leaning on your shoulder
My mind still burning
Asking you again
Can you tell me the story?

Tell me the story
Of how the sun
Loved the moon so much
He died every day
To let her breathe

We are laughing
Giggling like school-girls
I can't stop smiling
Neither can you

And now  I'm whispering to you
My mind still burning
Asking you again
Can you tell me the story?

Tell me the story
Of how the sun
Loved the moon so much
He died every day
To let her breathe

Tell me the story
Of how he left
the one girl he loved
Left without any thought
For her to love another

My mind is wandering, far from here
Thinking about my fantasy dreams
Realising I didn't need a real prince
Because all I want is right here

Your head's on my lap
My hands in your hair
Asking you again
Can you tell me the story?

Tell me the story
Of how the sun
Loved the moon so much
He died every day
To let her breathe

AN- found the moon quote online and decided to put some lyrics to it...hope u like it xx

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