The note

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She looked in the mirror, her shaking finger's fiddling with a note, with a blood red lace border. Her body, flecked with scars, was a puzzle of near misses and mistakes she'd never make again. She couldn't afford to. She looked down from the mirror, at the little note and read it again.
"Meet me at 8, no later."
It was a short note, but every word felt like a dagger pointed at her heart. She dropped the note, and went to get dressed, a simple top and jeans. She walked downstairs as calmly as she could, and quickly gave her parents an excuse. They didn't know about anything, and that was the way she wanted it to be.

It was just passed eight o'clock when she walked down the alley way, and stopped. There were bodies strewn across the floor, each of them with a stab wound through their lung. The closer she went, the clearer the faves became. She looked around, tears falling from her face. She knew these people. They had all been her boyfriends at some point. She searched for anyone that was alive, who hadn't died yet, when she heard faint, shallow breathing. Dropping to the floor, feeling the stickiness of his blood, she put Ben Jones' head on her lap, stroking his face and hair gently, her tears mixing with his blood.
"Lily?" He rasped, before coughing up blood.
"Yeah, yeah it's me" she said, her voice breaking. "I'm so sorry Ben, I never knew this would happen, I love you" She sobbed, bending over his paling body.
" Hey, it's ok. This isn't your fault. This way I'll see my parents. I love you Lily" he said, and she kissed him, not caring that there was blood all over him and her, as well as in his mouth. She pulled back when she no longer felt the beating of his heart, when she felt her own heart break into small pieces.
She gently put his head to the floor, and for up as she heard footsteps.
"Well, Well. What a touching little scene, wasn't it? In my opinion, that guy was too much of a looser for you anyway. At least this spares you from the painful break up"
She turned around slowly, and saw him. His hair was disheveled , his face as attractive as ever, all bright blue eyes and an impressive jawline.
"Did you do this?" Her voice was low, dangerous.
He laughed, his beautiful laugh, but this time she could hear the malice behind it.
"DID YOU DO THIS?" she screamed and he walked forward, his hands covered in blood.
"Well, I can't take all the credit, they made it pretty easy"
"Why? Why did you do this? What happened?" She said, her body numb. She couldn't feel anything, she wasn't even aware of her surroundings.
"What happened?" He laughed now, but it was dry. "You happened Lily. We have a connection and you tried to destroy it! " He took a deep breath as if to calm himself. " But, that's ok, I forgive you, and now that I've taken care of all of those waste cases we can be together, and have the happy ever after we both dreamed about. Remember? You always wanted to own a farm, where our children could learn to ride horses and we would have the happiest family. We can still have all that Lily" His voice was sad at the end, making Lily almost give in. But, she looked around, at all the lives he had taken. 5 dead bodies, five morning families, five funerals, five lives that had been taken because of her.
"I wanted to do all that with Liam, my Liam. The one who lived animals, who cried at the ending of Titanic, the one who gave a little kid £5 to buy a new ice-cream when she dropped hers. I wanted the Liam who loved me so much, who would go out of his way to show how much he loved me. But now, I don't know who you are." She looked at him, right in the eye, before turning away. As she started to walk away, she felt his hands, wet with blood around her wrist.
Lily, I love you, and I know you love me. I will still do anything for you" he guestured to the bodies around him. "This proves that."
"This proves that you are a psychopath Liam, and you take one more step towards me and I will call the police" she warned him, but to her dismay he smiled. Then, with a quick guesture, her back was on a wall, his body so close to hers she could feel the heat radiate of him, along with the smell of dried blood. She felt a sharp sting at her neck, and realised he had a knife to her neck, and it was cutting deep.
"Aw sweet Lily thinks she can scare off someone like me with the police? No Lily, if you call the police, I'll tell them what you did to me. I'll tell them everything Lily."
"You wouldn't, not if you loved me"
"I love you, Lily, and that's why I would do it. To protect you from all these beasts who kiss you, and then break your heart. In prison that wouldn't happen. So, Lily. Are you going to call the police?"
She said nothing, and he released her, laughing. She took off running, feeling the blood trickling down her throat, staining her T-shirt red.
"I'm coming for you Lily"
She ran into her house, hearing the screams of her shocked parents.
"We need to leave here now." was all she said.

AN: also credit to Pinterest writers promts.
Hope you enjoyed this xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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