Las Noches/ Post 3

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"These are the members of the Espada, arrancars and ex captains. The best of the best as I like ta say."
(Ex captains will be shown on the soul society and Las Noches page)

Soūsuke Aizen: Bleach-Aizen


Gin Ichimaru: Bleach-Gin


Kaname Tosen:


Stark 1:

Barragan 2:

Harribel 3:

Neliel 3: Bleach-Neliel

Ulquiorra 4: Bleach-Ulquiorra


Nnoitra 5:

Grimmjow 6:Bleach-Grimmjow


Zommari 7:

Szayelapporo 8: Bleach-Szayel

Aarieniro/ Orellana ^^: -Orellana

Yammy 10:


"Let me know if yer interested in joining the Bleach community, were in need of more members."

(Notify me if I missed ya)

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