Chapter 2 : I Should've Kissed You

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Chapter 2: I Should've Kissed You

Hailey's POV:

I couldn't stay there. Not after what just happened, it would be way too awkward. It was around 10 pm by now, the night sky was clear and the silent wind patted me every once in a while. The weather wasn't freezing, it was just a small breeze to cool down my throughts. It's not that I didn't enjoy that kiss because I had been wanting to do that for the past 4 years. It just shocked me that he was the one who took the initiative to kiss me like that. All these years I felt stupid for having these feelings towards Jai because I knew all he saw me as, was Hailey, his best friend.

Then it hit me. My mind began to swirl with a mixture of thoughts. "What would have happend that night at the party." I thought to myself. It was in 8th grade. Jai was invitied to the "cool" kids party and didn't want to go alone so he basicly dragged me there. I wasn't one of those kids that liked having a rebel side but at the time Jai did and so I followed. I had a stupid little crush on him back then. I still do.


"Why do want to go Jai? They're probably going to get drunk and do stupid shit." I said trying to convince Jai not to go.

"Come on Hailey, it'll be fun. We can finally say we've been to a cool party. Please! I swear I'll buy you anything you want just come with me. It wouldn't be the same with out my best buddy there.'' I could here him smiling at the last sentence through the phone. I can't say no to that, he sounds too adorable.

"Fine." I sighed. "But you owe me big time Brooks!"

"Thanks, Hailey! You're the best now go and get ready!" He said excitedly before ending the call.

I suddenly realized I had no freaking idea what to wear to a 8th grade cool kids party. Some girls in our grade wore some skimpy outfits and that was just to school dances. I wanted to fit in to please Jai but I didn't want to come off as a slut.

I rummaged through various dresses in my closet. Too short. Too bright. Too dark. Too girly. Ew too ugly.

"Ugh." I shouted to no one in frustration.

Then I saw it. It was perfect! A strapless navy blue dress that was flowy from the waste down. It had a flowery pattern embroidered into the corset part with a black bow tied in between. After I got dressed I decided to leave my hair in its natural waves and my makeup to neutral colors. I chose a shimmery brown color for my eyeshadow and topped it off with a dark brown eyeliner and black mascara. I pared this off with some black flats and stepped back to look at myself in the tall mirror.

I actually liked what I saw but it wasn't for me. I wanted to look good for Jai. I was about to grab my bag when my phone flashed with a text.

"Jai<3: Hey are you ready? You better be cuz I'll come for you in 5 minutes :)"

"Yeah I'm ready, is your mom driving us?"

"Jai<3: Wow you finally didn't take ages to get ready. Very proud Jai over here :P Nahh Beau's giving us a ride."

"Shut up -.- Ok I'll come outside then."

I grabbed my small white purse and headed out my house. Sure enough there he was, standning in my drive way in his blue vans, grey skinnys, and plain blue shirt. He had his back to me staring at street deep in thought. He looks so cute tonight. I realized I hadn't moved since I layed my eyes on him. Stop it Hailey don't stand there like a idiot, he's waiting for you.

"Hey Jai!" I waved and gave him a smile.

He turned around and his mouth dropped. I couldn't help but blush as he stared me up and down. He continued to do so and honestly it was making me uncomfortable.

Unthinkable ( A Jariana Fanfic; Jai Brooks & Ariana Grande )  ♥Where stories live. Discover now