Chapter 3 : Slurpee

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Chapter 3: Slurpee

Jai's POV:

I had messed everything up with her and boy did I blow it. It has been 2 days since I kissed Hailey. Two days since she stormed off and hasn't talked to me. I've been desperately trying to get in contact with her, I wanted to know how she felt but most importantly I wanted to tell her how I felt.

I plopped onto my bed with my face submerged in my pillow and let out a grunt of frustration into it. Why am I such an idiot. My thoughts were inturrupted by something heavy landing on top of me, I turn my face slightly upward and see Beau on top of me humping me. Man was I not in the mood for his stupid 'brother love fests' as he likes to call them. I pushed him off of me as he landed on the blue carpet of my room.

"Fuck off man." I yelled and reunited my face to the pillow again.

"Geez, well I love you too Jai." He said sarcastically. "What's wrong with you bro?"

"Nothing. I don't want to talk about it so just do me a favor and just leave me alone yeah?"

Before I knew it, he was already on top if me again popping slobbery kisses on my cheek. He knew how much this annoyed me and this was the way he convinced me to do whatever he wants.

"Come on please tell me!" He insisted but I stayed quiet taking in the softness of the pillow underneath me. He then got on his knees while still on top of me and began bouncing. I let out a small grunt in pain since he had jabbed his knee into the back of my thigh.

"Ok fine just get off of me you idiot!" Beau looked at me for a second and immeadiately got up. He knew that this was serious and that I was truely feeling upset. If he didn't know this he would have kept annoying me; pushing me to my limit.

"Okay. I'm all ears, now spill it."

"Well I'm just stuck man, Hailey hasn't returned any of my texts, calls, or anything. I'm just really frustrated. We have had silent treatments before but she was always the one who broke it. She would always just come over with apology candy and we would forget about it like it never even happened. I don't know bro, I fucked up bad this time." As I sat up, I placed my elbows on my knees and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

I was expecting Beau to give me this uplifting speech followed by some advice as the one he had given me a few days ago. That would have actually cheered me up a bit, but instead he just sat there with a devilish smile growing on his face. I knew that smile. It was that 'I have a brilliant plan' smile. In reality though, his plans never worked and led to nothing but bad. He just continued to smile and called out for Lala. A few seconds later our happy dog came in and jumped on his lap. He began to pet her while uttering a bunch of random baby noises to her as if this was some secret language they had going on.

"Well Lala here needs some babysitting tonight and I happen to know this girl by the name of Hailey that just might be interested." He smirked while petting Lala.

I wasn't really following along. I mean in what way would this possibly benefit me. I want her to notice me not Lala. Beau noticed the sudden confusion spread across my face and sighed as if it was clear as day.

"Lala doesn't need dog sitting you cumquat, it's an excuse to get her here, geez! Sometimes I wonder if you were blessed with a little bit of intelligence but then you seem to prove me wrong." He managed to say through chuckIes. I threw my pillow at him aiming at his face but he slammed it down.

I finally understand and may I add his plan was really genius. Considering it came from Beau I was really surprised. Why didn't I think of that? I really give him props. I couldn't contain my excitement, I tackled him down and gave him quick kisses in his cheek. I couldn't be any happier. Well that's until I realized I had no idea how to start up the conversationa and lead it to my feelings. Shit what If i sound like an idiot or what if she lost feelings for me already? I rushed him out of my room so I can clear my mind and think about it. All I want is to tell her how I feel because honestly at this point that's all that matters. I'll worry about the mutual feelings later. I've been bottling these feelings up for so long now that all they were asking for was release. I need to calm myself down. Stress isn't going to make things better or make me say the right things. I'm just going to be Jai. The one I hope she still cares about.

Unthinkable ( A Jariana Fanfic; Jai Brooks & Ariana Grande )  ♥Where stories live. Discover now