Chapter 6

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We let Namjoon and Yoongi stay home one more day to help cure some of Yoongi injuries but today me and Jin are in the car on our way to their school because they can't miss the classes.

"Did you do your late homework?" I ask them. "Yes mom!" Joon says smiling at me showing his dimples. "Yoongi?" Jin asks looking at him trough the rearview mirror. "I did it too dad." He says looking at us with a suspicious smile. "How? I try to help you but you were always sleeping!" Joon says. "I copied yours." Yoongi says smirking. "Were in different years!" Joon exclaims in shock looking at his brother. "Improvise, adapt, overcome." Yoongi says chugging his shoulders smirking again to his shock younger brother.

I look at my husband smiling in love listening to our kids bickering at the back of the car, Jin looks back at me laughing a little I take his hand and smile looking ahead.

"YA! That's my tail! Mom!" I hear Yoongi yelling I look behind and see Yoongi holding his tail and kissing it. "Stop it boys!" Jin says. "Sorry hyung.... I didn't mean it to hurt it..." Joon says looking really sad. "It's okay. I know you didn't mean it." Yoongi says hugging him and I smile at the two and look ahead again seeing were getting close to the school.

"Let's go guys." Jin says while we leave the car and I open the door on Joon side and Jin on Yoongi side. "You're going too?" Yoongi asks. "Yes. We have to tell your teacher you're with us now Yoongles." Jin says holding the cat hybrid tightly to his chest. "" Yoongi says to Joon almost without hair. "I'm fine hyung." Joon smirks hugging me making me laugh. "Come on let's go. Let the poor kid Jin!" I say smiling to my husband who lets Yoongi making him run to me. "Your safe now honey." I say petting Yoongi making him purr. "He doesn't do that to me!" Jin says faking sadness. "Maybe because you squeeze the life of him?" I say joking. "Maybe..."Jin says defeated and kisses my head.

We enter the school Jin in front hand in hand with Joon while I enter hand in hand with Yoongi.

We stop first at Joon class. "Have a nice day Joon!" I say petting his ears making him smile. "I'll come pick you up later Joon!" Jin says hugging him. "Bye mom, bye dad, see you soon hyung." Joon says entering his classroom.

"Your turn Yoongles." Jin says putting his arm on his shoulder, and he puts his small tail around my arm to know I'm there.

Getting at his class, Jin calls the attention of Yoongi teacher. "Good morning what can I do for you?" The teacher says smiling to the three of us. "Good morning, we are the parents of Kim Namjoon from the year below, but we are here to let you know we adopted Min Yoongi in our family." Jin explains the situation to the teacher who appears to smile more after this. "Well, that's good! I always see those two together outside. Yoongi why don't you enter the classroom?" The teacher asks him making Yoongi nod. "Bye mom." He says hugging me. "Bye sweetie." "Bye dad." He says hugging Jin. "Behave Yoongles." Jin says and Yoongi enters the classroom.

"I'm very happy Yoongi is finally safe." The teacher says looking relief. "You knew?" I ask. "I guessed, I try do something but I couldn't. But now is well. I have to start class, have a good day." The teacher says. "Have a good day." Jin says and we leave to the car hand in hand.

"Are you going to Ken now?" I ask. "Not now, I'll go after work." Jin says while we arrive at home where his leaving me. "Okay honey, have a good day at work. Love you." I say kissing him. "I will. Love you too." Jin says and I leave the car going towards the door while Jin goes to work.

I enter the house and see a mess everywhere from the little holiday the boys did here, I sigh seeing the work I have ahead.

After cleaning the house all day, I was sitting in the couch sipping my tear when I hear the door open and little feet running to the living room. "Hi mom!" My hybrids say jumping on me hugging me. "Hello sweeties!" I say petting their ears making Yoongi purr and start beating Joon with his tail. "Hyung! Your tail!" Joon says. "Sorry." Say a very not sorry hybrid cat and both of them run to their rooms.

"So? Did you go to Ken?" I ask Jin. "Hello handsome husband how was work? It was fine thank you." Jin says joking looking at mine "really" face. "Sorry. But did you get it?" I ask excited. "Yes of course I did. Boys get down here!" Jin says sigh after my lack of interest of his day.

"What is it noooww?" Yoongi asks rubbing his eye. "It's little Yoongi sleepy. Does little Yoongi want to have his nap?" Jin asks softly to the cat hybrid petting his ears making Yoongi look at him cute nodding yes to the nap. "TOO BAD!" Jin suddenly screams making Yoongi angry and respond back. Joon and I look at each other sighting watching the two bickering each other.

"What did you wanted dad?" Joon asks Jin stopping the fight and I kiss his head in thank you making him smile at me. "Well, my FAVOURITE son." Jin starts glaring at Yoongi who glares back. "I have something to show you more to Yoongi." Jin says now smiling softly and Yoongi looks at me confused and I wink at him.

Jin grabes a paper from the briefcase and gives to Yoongi. "What's this?" Yoongi asks looking at it and Joon goes next to him and looks to.

"Hyung! That looks like my paper!" Joon says hugging Yoongi who looks at us now smiling big. "Really?" He asks. "Really." I and Jin says at the same time. "Why don't we put it next to Joon?" I ask and quickly Yoongi gave me the adoption paper and I put it on a frame, I gave back to Yoongi who was suddenly picked up by Jin helping him put the frame next to Joon frame.

"It looks good." Jin says and the four of us look at the two frames. "Can I nap now?" Yoongi asks ruining the moment. "YOU DISRESPECTFUL BRAT!" Jin screams again and they start fighting again. I pick up Joon, and we both went to his room to relax away from the two kids. "You're my favourite mom." Joon says. "Thank you honey." I say petting his ears.


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