Chapter 10

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Moments later we enter the car on our way to Hoseok new home.

Jin Pov's

"This is it." I say parking in front of my house, our house now. "It's so big!" Hoseok says, looking out of the car window, shocked. "Let's go then!" I say, getting out of the car and then helping Hoseok out of the car, we enter home and I see Hoseok big eyes looking at everything. "Jin? Is that you?" I hear Y/N talking and then I see her coming down the stairs with a smile. "Your earlier what....OH MY GOD!" Y/N screams after seeing Hoseok. "Hi miss Y/N!" Hoseok says with a big smile waving at a shocked Y/N. "Hoseok! Hi sweetie!" She says smiling hugging the little seven years old golden retriever hybrid. "I'm so happy to see you!" She says in the hug while looking confused at me which I only smile. "I'll tell you when the kids come home." I say winking at Hoseok who laughs. "Okay." She says looking at me suspicious. "Let's eat some cookies I am, what do you think?" She asks Hoseok. "YES PLEASE!" He screams happy following Y/N to the kitchen, his tail swinging fast in happiness and I go put Hoseok things in his new bedroom.

Y/N Pov's

I was in the kitchen seeing Hoseok happily eating my cookies, I'm so happy he's here but why is he here. "Did Jin....? No, he wouldn't do that. Would he?" I think. "Did you like my cookies?" I ask Hoseok. "Yes miss!" He says. "You can call me Y/N sweetie." I say smiling at the educated hybrid. "Okay!" He says, then Jin enters the kitchen smiling at us. "When are the smart and the stupid kids arriving?" He asks and I sigh at their nicknames but smile fondly knowing he loves them anyway. "An hour or so I think." I say. "Are we going to get them or?" He asks. "No, one of the parents volunteer to bring them." I say giving a cup of water to Hoseok. "That's good. Hey Hoseok want to watch some TV?" He asks and Hoseok quickly nods excited.

I watch them talking and laughing watching TV, I started making some more cookies since Hoseok almost ate all of them.

An hour later

I was just finishing cleaning the kitchen while the cookies cold down when suddenly Hoseok gets up quick, ears up and tail wagging. "They're here!" He says happy and goes quickly to the front of the door, me and Jin look at each other laughing and join in at the door and there we can hear Namjoon and Yoongi talking. "Don't you smell something familiar?" I hear Yoongi asking. "Now that you mention." Namjoon answers him and both boys enters home. "Welcome home, boys!" I say making them look at us smiling but quickly they scream looking at Hoseok. "HOSEOK!" Both scream going to the little hybrid, and they quickly start question him making the hybrid laugh happy because of the attention. "Enough, enough, let the boy breath. Let's talk in the living room." Jin says taking Hoseok hand and start going to the living room. "Mom?" Namjoon and Yoongi looking at me. "I don't know anything either." I say smiling confused and the three of us go to the living room and sit on the couch in front of Jin and Hoseok.

"So, you know your dad and husband is amazing, the best man that exists!" Jin starts, making me and Namjoon laugh quietly. "And stupid." Yoongi says making Jin glare at me. "Anyway, I did a great thing today." He says putting his hand on Hoseok hand and petting his ears. "Today I adopt Hoseok, he is now part of the family!" Jin says happy smiling at us. "YES!" Namjoon and Yoongi scream happy going to hug Hoseok who was really happy for their reaction. "Come on! Come see your new room!" Yoongi says and the three boys go to their room laughing. "Honey." I say looking at Jin with tears in my eyes. "I had too, after seeing you guys sad, I just had too." Jin says smiling softly at me. "Thank you." I say hugging him. "Your more than welcome Y/N." He says kissing my head and the both of us smile hearing the three boys happy upstairs.

"Kids, today some of you have to share since there's only two beds." I say when me and Jin went to their room. "Me and Yoongi can share. He can take my bed tonight." Namjoon says looking at Yoongi who nods. "Okay then it's settle. Hoseok sweetie, today you sleep in Namjoon bed but tomorrow we will have a bed for you." I say smiling to the dog hybrid. "Thank you!" He says smiling big, his tail wagging in happiness. "Your welcome sweetie!" I say petting his head. "Also, Yoongi you're grounded!" Jin says smiling sweetly to a confused cat. "Why?" He asked. "You said I was stupid to Hoseok." Jin smiles to a caught Yoongi who's laughing nervous. "Be prepare for your punishment!" Jin laughs evilly making Yoongi sweat, Namjoon and Y/N to sigh and a confused Hoseok looking at the two. "Let's go Jin. I'm going to start dinner, I'll call you three when it's ready." I say taking Jin with me. "Be prepare." Jin mouth to Yoongi.

"Tomorrow I will bring the new bed after work." Jin says helping me with dinner. "Won't you need help?" I ask. "I think the workers will help." He says smiling at me. "I have a feeling were going to need more than one bed." I say. "I have a feeling were going to need a new home." Jin says laughing and I look at him, smiling. "I love you Jin." I say and he looks at me. "I love you my beautiful wife." He says and gives me a little peck. "Let's continue dinner or our kids will start being dramatic about not having dinner." Jin says. "I wonder how they become like that." I say laughing. "Who knows." He says laughing with me. 

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