♞ Chapter 1 ♞

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Chapter 1


The growl of Harley's diesiel was the only sound that accompanied him on his ride of shame. Here he was, limping home again, with busted up ribs. At least he had won this round. Harley shook his head, he wouldn't be leaving again, this had been his last ride. Besides, he had a date with a little filly that had run long enough. He had given her time to date and grow up, he had waited for her for the past 4 years.

Harley laughed as he shook his head.
Mrs B. was sure gonna be fussing up a storm this time. She had been his and his brother's momma for too many years since she been there. Wonder how much of a fuss she was gonna kick up when she found out he also came home for her little Myley cause he wasn't leaving this time.
He had watched over her and loved her since she hit 15 but he wasn't impatient and he refused to touch her till it was time. She was 19 this weekend and he wasn't but 25 and he refused to wait any longer.

He wanted to take his time with her, there was no rush. She would know who she belonged though before too long.
Harley got lost in thoughts of sweet and innocent Myley, as he drove the few miles to home. He smiled when Mrs. B and Myley stepped out on the porch to greet him.

"Well I'll be damn." Mrs. B called with a laugh and then she looked at him and the smile froze. "Harley, you done come home all busted up again?" She asked in less happier tone.

Harley smiled and slowly made his way up to the steps finally using his deep scratchy voice as he spoke to Myley,
"Hey there little filly, ain't you looking pretty?" He smiled up at her on the porch as he paused on the bottom step.

Myley blushed but his words still didn't wipe the concern off her face. "Harley, are you hurt again?" She asked in a soft voice. Harley dropped his head and smiled, "Yea, darlin' I went and got hurt again. I think i about decided that this was my last ride. I am done with chasing that dream." He smiled up at the two ladies staring like they had been turned to stone.

Mrs. B. wasn't as naive as they all wanted her to be. She saw the way that boy had watched her little Myley and knew why he had come home. She was secretly hoping he would, but she had worried he would be lost in the world of bright lights and flashy clothes. The boys may have been a wild bunch but they were good boys and she didn't think there was anybody better for Myley. She wouldn't tell him that so easily though.

"Come on in here, let me wrap you up before them brothers of your come in." Mrs. B said, "Myley get his shirt off while I get my first-aid kit out." She heaved a sigh and walked into the bathroom off the kitchen.

Myley sat Harley on a kitchen chair and proceeded to unbutton Harley's shirt. She tried to seem unaffected by him but truth was her hands was shaking so hard she hoped he didn't notice. Of all the brothers,  Harley had always effected her this way. Not much like a brother at all actually but as a man.

So much for hoping she thought when Harley grabbed her hand. "Honey, why you shaking like a leaf in the wind? You alright?" He asked with now genuine fear in his eyes.

"Yea, Harley I am fine, I dunno what is the matter with me." She replied breathlessly as she finally got is shirt unbuttoned and slowly pulled it over his shoulders. The sight of that tanned and muscled chest just made her all the more breathless. Good lord in heaven he should be outlawed. She thought, that much male perfection is a sin, no wonder she couldn't find anyone else that made her want to date.

Harley was looking up at Myley from under the brim of his hat, he would have to remove it soon, he knew it was a rule in the house but he wanted to take advantage of the few moments he had to sneak a peek at her expression.

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