Nothing but Some Lions?

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I was surrounded by such a warm blanket and I honestly felt so at peace. I didn't even want to open my eyes. I reached out for cocoa for our morning snuggles and he felt so firm and longer than usual. I moved my hand to rub his head and I was met with scorching hot skin. Moving my hand down further I felt stone hard abs and I sighed in content realizing I was in Damien's bed not mine. I quickly opened my eyes to find purple ones starring right back at me. He suddenly pulled me closer and I felt ever hard part of his body pressing against me.
"Good morning" I mumbled shyly to Damien realizing how close we actually were.
"It definitely is a good morning baby girl". His voice sounded deeper than normal. I flicked my eyes to the digital clock on the night stand next to us. It was just six in the morning and I am not even tired. Looking back at Damiens purple eye I was still a little bit in shock at everything that has transpired in the last week. Like here I am starring up at the man of my dreams at 6 in the morning in a beautiful house  feeling the most at peace I've been in my life. It felt like in this moment this was all I needed. I felt complete in his arms. But there also are so many things I need to learn not only about him but also about this werewolf alpha king title. But for now i am going to enjoy just starring at each other in silence. There were no words I could think of to describe the feeling of looking into his eyes. It felt like coming home after a long day at work.
"I have to go patrol the border baby girl, are you okay here?" Damien said bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Umm actually I was wondering if I could come to see you in your wolf form or maybe I can help you Patrol?" I asked him hoping to learn more about him and just this whole wolf process.
"I would actually like that and just to let you know I will tell you anything you want to know about this alpha king position" He spoke to me out loud and I frowned up in confusion because I was literally just thinking that and he said it. Then I heard a whisper in my head "I want you to know being with you feels like I've finally made it home after hundreds of years." I jumped in surprise at Damien's voice in my head.
"Nooo way, did you really hear all i was thinking about you" I said jumping up out of the bed holding my head. I was so shook right now.
"Calm down  and yes I can. It comes when your mark . we are now linked together our body mind and souls. " I thought that was pretty cool also a little invasive but I understood it.

"You can block your thoughts from me as well so don't worry" Damien spoke again before I could respond to him.

"Okay well you can teach me that as we go patrol" I said smiling before getting up to go grab a change of clothes from his closet. I walked in looking for my bag of clothes that were on the ground yesterday but I was surprised to see they were all hung up and Linda clothes were gone. I scratched my head in confusion. A part of me was in awe at how fast he got that done and the other part of me felt like I was invading someone else space. I sighed trying to push negative thoughts out of my mind. I grabbed some grey and white Nike Capri leggings and a sports bra from my new section of the closet then headed to the bathroom where I changed, brushed my teeth and cleaned myself up. I ended up braiding my curls into two French braids. I pulled my Nike running shoes on before walking out of the bathroom. Damien sat on the bed in some black nike basketball shorts no shirt and Nike shoes as well.

"You want to be like me so bad" I said making him look up from his phone smiling.

"No I actually think it's the other way around. My clothes were on way before yours" He said before standing to his full height walking up to me. I puffed my chest out a little to make myself feel better but it didn't really help. He still towered over me and by the look on his face he knew what he was doing.

"Whatever we get it you're tall "Alpha" now come on let's go" I said before turning on my heels leading the way.

"You always starting but never finishing" Damien spoke behind me. I just shook my head and kept walking down the stairs. The house was actually silent as we walked through it towards the front door. My whistle broke the silence as I called for coco knowing he'd come. I heard the loud thumps of his paws in no time. He knew the routine for our morning runs and he was always ready to go outside. He greeted me with his usual hug and licks before coming over to Damien and sitting politely waiting for him to greet and let him.
"So does he recognize you as an alpha" I asked Damien. I was slightly confused on why coco obeyed him so much  and was so calm in Damien's presence.

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