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All I saw was red. I wanted to cause him pain. I wanted to tear him apart and make him feel one million times worse than Vic was feeling right now. He deserved the worst I could offer him and in that very moment I didn't care about the consequences of my actions.

One person did care though. Gabe. He reacted quickly, narrowly missing my arm and instead latching on to the back of my shirt. He yanked me back and then his arms were around my torso, pulling me back.

"You fucking asshole!" I screamed at Ethan, "I will kill you! I will fucking kill you!"

"That is enough!" The Dean, Dean Carter, bellowed at us.

Screw him. I didn't care that an authority figure was watching. I struggled in Gabe's grip, soon also being pulled back by Justin, that traitor. He was supposed to be with me on this.

"You," Dean Carter pointed at Ethan, "Out of here, now."

Ethan looked at me, a smirk prominently etched across his smug face. I went at him again but with all of his strength, Gabe kept his grip around my waist, not letting me budge.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I spat at Ethan. He was sick. He was just sick.

He didn't say a single damn thing to me and it made me even madder. I tore at Gabe's arms, but he over-powered me. He pulled me back, letting go of me only momentarily before he pushed me against the wall, keeping his hands on my shoulders as Ethan rolled his eyes, leaving the building.

"Stop it." Gabe scolded as I once again tried to get free. I look at him, his gaze burning into mine.

"Stop. You know Vic hates violence. It won't do anyone any good." He told me.

My blood pressure had sky-rocketed and I just wanted to hurt Ethan. At this point I would have settled for hurting Gabe for stopping me. I was just that worked up. I would have continued fighting if Dean Carter hadn't spoken.

"What is going on here?" He asked.

My eyes shot to him. A rant about the safety of students was running through my head. The adults were supposed to protect us. They were supposed to maintain the peace. They weren't supposed to let people like Ethan just walk out of here with a stupid smile on their face.

"We're here to talk to you about Vic Fuentes." Gabe spoke, his tight grip on me lessening once he was sure I wasn't going to do something stupid.

Dean Carter sighed, "We already know what happened."

"You don't really know though!" I started, stepping towards him, "He was drugged! Ethan took photos without his consent...and...and..." Everything about the law and how Ethan should be incriminated left my mind, so I looked at Gabe for help.

"Sir," Gabe said a lot more calmly than I had, "We have information about the night that photo was taken. We were all there."

Dean Carter ran his fingers through his short blonde hair, looking like he had a headache. As if this was such an inconvenience for him!

"What are you going to do about it? Ethan can't stay here. He's dangerous. He's a th-"

"Stop!" Dean Carter interrupted me, "Just stop for a moment."

I fell into an agitated silence. I looked at Gabe, the responsible one of the group, standing there being his goody-two shoes self. Justin stood a little behind us, clearly afraid that this could out him as being the one who sold Ethan the drugs. I didn't care about his fear right now though. All I cared about was Vic.

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