da partay~~

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Hey really sorry it took so long!! I really have no excuse I kinda just forgot sorry the fox above is Fin, Peter's stuffy! Please let me know about any ideas you have! I love hearing from you!💜

The Party


"Yes Mr. Stark, I'll be fine! You don't need to worry" Pete was about to go to the biggest high school party of the year and to say Tony was worried was an understatement.

"Okay kid but remember what I told you, never take a drink someone offers you, it could be poisoned or drugged or alcohol or-" Tony would have kept ranting if he hadn't been interrupted by the elevator ding and the sound of MJ and Ned making their way into the living room.

"Mr. Stark, I'll be okay, I promise! I'll have Ned and MJ with me so I won't be alone, I know not to take any booze or drugs,I'll be home before 11 and I promise if things get to be too much I'll text you" With that Peter gave Tony one last hug before saying goodbye and following Ned and MJ downstairs and to the car, MJ was driving as she had gotten her license a few months ago.

~~with Tony but still no POV

Tony sat on the couch with defeat, Peter was gone and now he was left alone in his worrying. He knows Pete is a responsible kid and can take care of himself as long as he's not in his headspace, and he knows how eager Pete is to prove to him how 'adult' he can be.

Tony sighed, one silver lining is Michelle is with him, being one of the few people who know about him being a little alongside tony and most of the other avengers MJ will be able to take care of Pete long enough for Tony to drive down there and pick him up. Tony got up and walked to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, it was going to be a long night.

~at le parrrrtaaaaaay
(r u feelin it yet Mr. Krabs?? ^-^ )

~~petey boiz POV

Michelle pulled the car up to the street that Lola's house is at. Lola is on the decathlon team and was throwing a party for the team and friends so, needless to say, there was a lot of people showing up. We walk in and the noise was immediately too much.. but thats just parties, right? The music was so loud that almost nothing could be heard.

Lola came up to the front door and handed us drinks. I looked skeptically at them but MJ took one and after taking a small sip gave the okay that it wasn't alcohol. I took a glass but still stared at it like it would kill me. cause it could it my not be alcohol but it could have something else.

"Pete don't worry it's just punch!" Lola said with a short giggle. I took a sip and right she was, it was just Wahoo Punch. My favorite! This party seems like it'll be great!


Okay I officially don't like this anymore. I've lost Ned and MJ, Lola got drunk and is dancing like a stripper on the couch, and Flash singled me out AGAIN and stared the whole 'Penis Parker' thing again. I ended up running to the bathroom so nobody sees me crying.

I can feel myself start to slip, I can't be little right now though! I promised da-MR STARK id be okay! My phone keeps beeping three different ring tones one for Ned, one for MJ and one for Tony. I guess MJ told Tony that she lost me. Even so I couldn't stand it. It seemed like very beep, every noise, just got louder and louder it's started to become unbearable!

"I just wanna go home! I wanna go snuggle with Fin and da-Tony and watch a movie and drink hot coco while daddy holds me and plays with my hair! I want my daddy!"  I was sobbing now, almost completely little. I just don't have the energy to fight it anymore.

~~Mishelles  POV

"Peter?!? Peter where are you??!" I kept shouting trying to be heard over the noise of the party. I had already texted him eight times with no response and I'm starting to get really worried. 'What if he's hurt?' 'What if he's lost?' 'What if he's little and needs help?' these thoughts kept swarming my head, I'm supposed to be responsible for him and I lost him damnit!

I sigh and go to meet back up with Ned who was also looking, we had agreed to meet up near the bathroom where it's quieter. I see him running twords me, when he finally catches up he's panting and heaving for air.

"Find him???"

"No I even checked out in the backyard, nothing!" He responded through pants. This sends a wave of panic through me, I take a few breaths to calm myself. I'm no good to Peter if I'm panicking.

Both of us are quiet for a minute trying to think of where he would be but then we hear a faint crying and Peter yelling; 'I just wanna go home! I wanna go snuggle with Fin and da-Tony and watch a movie and drink hot coco while daddy holds me and plays with my hair! I want my daddy!'

Me and Ned look at each other then run down the hall in the direction we heard it. As we ran the crying got louder singling that we were going the right way. I found the door to the room he's in and try the knob. Damnit! It's locked!

I knocked three times loudly and his crying stopped, I knocked again and you could hear Pete turn on the sink and splash his face with water. "Peter? It's MJ, can you open the door for me please? At hearing my name he rushed to the door, not even turning the water off.

As soon as the door was open he wrapped his arms around me in a desperate hug, which I of course return. Ned starts rubbing his back in attempts to calm him. Soon he cried himself out and fell asleep.

"Soo.. I'm gonna assume I was right." Ned's words startles me and before I could ask what he meant he continues. "That he's a little, I've known for a while but every time I even try to bring it up he either runs away or denies everything." I sigh.

"Yeah it's true Tony's his actual caregiver but me and a few from the team... babysit? Is that the right word?" I sigh, and Ned nods in understanding "Anyways I've gotta text Tony so he can pick up Pete, I've got no supplies with me right now"

"Naw I've got it, you keep moving around and you'll wake Peter." I Nod and less that three minutes after he texted Tony was here.


I had a bad feeling, the kind of feeling. I had when I know something's wrong, but also the kind of feeling when I take care of Peter. That 'don't touch my baby or you die' kind of feeling. Somethings wrong and I know it.

I text Peter to see if he's okay, no response. I text again, no response. I text him for the eighth time, no response!

"He's probably just having to much fun at the party to text back" I tell myself. But it doesn't help, I know something's no right here but if something were truly to go wrong Michelle would call me. So no news is good news, right?

'Sir, incoming text from Ned's phone.'

Oh shit. I sort of black out into mama bear mode but the next thing I know I'm bursting through the bathroom door. I look around taking in the scene before me. Ned's sitting in the bath tub on his phone, he seemed to be reading something. Then there was an exhausted looking MJ sitting on the floor with Peter sleeping in her lap, it was obvious he had been crying.

I slowly take Peter off of her, successfully not waking Pete. She let out a sigh of relief and stretches untill she's laying on the floor. I let out a chuckle and she glares at me. Ned lets out a loud laugh at the scene infront of him.

I felt Peter stir in my arms and he let out a sleepy whine. All I could do was coo at his adorableness. "It's okay bubba, Daddy's here" I say in hopes of calming him down, this seems to work and he goes back to sleep.

~~~Pepper's POV~~~

I walked in to the living room and it's all dark except for the TV which was playing the credits to Winnie The Pooh. I look to the couch and Tony and Pete are cuddling, asleep. Pete had his blue pacifier in his mouth and had Fin tight in his grasp, obviously feeling little. "Friday, take a picture" I say as I cover them both in Peter's light blue baby blanket that had small white spider webs sprinkled over the design.

'Already done ma'am.'

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