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Jr pov

"Ok cody ima go to the kitchen to see if I can find anything he would like to eat k?" I say while I watch chompy sniff my toys "Yeah sure I'll keep him quiet so chef pp or ur dad don't find out" I nod and head out. 'Mph would he like peanut butter or weenies?' I made up my mind by grabbing the weenies,some water in a bowl and 2 Caprisun's. I make it back to my room without making a noise and giving the water bowl to chompy for him to drink and placing the other stuff on the bed. "Weenies?" Cody asks sitting up on my bed "Yeah idk either I don't really know what dogs eat" "oh well can I have one?" I gave cody confused look while handing him it "Eh I haven't had some alone time with Ken in a while" he smirked. Chompy started eating most of the Weenies then started drinking water 'wait what if he has to go use the bathroom?' I thought taking a slip of my caprisun, I turned to ask Cody and I see cody deep throating the fucking weenie. I spit out the caprisun and got it all over me ;)) cody looks at me "you ok?" "Uh I gotta go use the bathroom" I run out of my room to my bathroom and shut the door. I look at myself in the mirror and thought about what just happend, I washed my face and went back to my room. I look at cody and I got horny.

Cody's pov
Jr walked in the room and was blushing hard heh maybe he got a boner. "Jr come here" I say patting the spot next to me he CUMS (HAHA I'M SO FUNNY)and sits next to me " I bring him closer to me "you know most couples have sex by their next come he haven't had it?" "oh well..maybe it's too early?" He says "well the readers wanted to read that 2 chapters ago and I'm not complaining" I say putting my hands around his neck (technically cody is behind jr and jr is laying his head on his chest) "the readers?" 'Oh I'm breaking the forth wall ha!' "It's nothing" I say shrugging it off, jr yawns "well ima sleep now" he says getting of my chest damn I'm already missing his warmth. He kisses my forehead and lays down and sleeps 'huh well I'm gonna sleep now too'

《Time skip brought to you by chompy taking a shit on the floor》

Jeffys pov

I wake up by daddy screaming at me to wake up and get ready for school. I take my blanket off of me and saw my cheerio box next to me "morning baby" I say kissing her. I get out of my crib then grabbing my boxers and shorts from my crib and putting them on. I go to Jr's room and see that he and cody are still idea popped is my head. I went to the kitchen and grabbed 2 pans and went to Jr's room and started to sing

Jr's pov

"I DON'T GET SLEEP CUZ OF Y'ALL, YOUR NEVER GONNA GET SLEEP CUZ OF MEEEE" I wake up and rub my eyes and see jeffy banging 2 pans and screaming, "Jesus christ jeffy" cody wakes up "HA! you should see the look on your-" "JEFFY! WHERE ARE YOU!" We heard mario scream "Coming daddy!" ;)) jeffy runs off to who knows where leaving me and cody with 'what the fuck just happen faces'. We get out of bed and just get ready for the day "Thank God it's Friday" I say eating cereal "Yeah and maybe we can you know" cody winks at me.. jeffy gets confused "what are you talking about?" Jeffy says with a mouth full of cereal "Yeah cody what are you saying" I give him a dead glare "oh nothing" he smirks. After breakfast we all go to school

《This Time skip brought you by me listening to Dreamwave at 10:40pm》

After school I walk in my house with Cody and jeffy (Joseph didn't come to school today) and saw small and large boxes then saw Brooklyn guy moving stuff "Hey what's going on?" "oh well ur dad bought a bunk bed (is that how you spell it? Jdjj) and now I'm just building it" he said and then went up stairs "wow jr well have fun with that" Jeffy runs up to the game room "I'm gonna ask my dad to see what's up" I grab Cody's hand and we sonic speed to my dad's room. "Hey dad um WHY DID YOU GET ME A BUNK BED!?!?" "Woah jr! Calm down since cody was gonna live here now I thought I would get you guys a bunk bed so you guys don't have to share a bed" he smiles and pets chompy "oh I guess you met chompy I found him outside this morning and brought him inside if that's cool with you " "Yeah he's cute while chef pp went to store he got dog shit for him". Cody spoke up "wait so I'm living here now?" "Yeah ur mom called in last night saying that" "YESS! I don't have to deal with my dad's other family anymore!" Cody picked me up and spun me around and kissed my whole face, we were both laughing then we realised we were still in my dad's room "Huh I knew you guys were dating" he says "wait you knew?" Cody puts me down "yeah" "and ur not mad for liking my own gender?" "No in fact I kinda like Chef pp but that's all I'm saying" my dad chuckles and gets up and pats my head then gives me a hug. We let go after a few seconds "I love you dad" "me too son" Then me and cody leave his room "so I have a question" cody says while a wipe my tears away "yeah?" I sniff "when when will you be calling me daddy? ;))"

To be continued

(1,041 words damn,also I'm getting my motivation back :D either way I hoped you enjoyed see ya 👌👌)

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