Call Me Maybe

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YOU are a vile demon that should’ve never been created.

Who ever created you should be thrashed and hung on site.

A virus

infecting all that is near

You make me SICK.

You are a sight so horrid and twisted

that not even Freddy Krueger would dare enter your dreams.

A guttural sound so vile the very pits of hell

bow in fear

and I love you.

Your acidic bubble-gum sound is like a drug

Sticking to my brain as if it were cracked pavement.

I need my fix.

I tell if we can only be friends

We can’t see each other anymore

But it always comes back.

And like a drunken one night stand

that finds you again.

You think about that crazy night

and you can’t help but want it

So you give in

Give into the beat

The Cheese

Give it freedom to please

And when you wake up in the morning

wondering what the fuck you did last night

while your hands are tied to the headboard with crusty panties

You still give it your number.

Hoping that maybe

You'll get a call.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2012 ⏰

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