Poem to my crush

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Dear lovely being

Please don't leave me an open ending
I opened up to you
I poured my heart out
You make me feel complete
I like you

If you like me
Open your heart to me
Don't be afraid to say
Intertwine your fingers with mine
Stare into my eyes
Give your everything to me
And say everything you want to say

If you don't like me
Don't be afraid
Hold yourself
Sit down
Look me in the eyes
And say what you need to say
What you feel
Say the truth

Don't give me a half truth or a beautiful lie
Give me the cold ugly truth
Because I want to move on
Because this feeling is too overwhelming
This feeling is too painful

Don't worry
I'm used to rejection
Than acceptance

So please
I'm begging you
don't pity me
And say the truth
Say what you really feel
Dig it deep from your brain
From your heart

I'd rather know we can't
Than wonder if we could've

It's not edited so it's kind of shitty.
This poem is what happened after I confessed to my crush.

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