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February 22


I don't have long before the meds kick in.

Got sent to the ER at midnight yesterday 'cause my throat started closing up more now.

Just got out of surgery where they removed some of the blockages. Doc says the illness is getting stronger when I talk, so he told me not to say anything.

I have to resort to writing down on sticky notes to talk, which is quite frustrating.

But here's the real thing.

When in surgery, I saw him. Kaldur, wearing a robe of white. His back was turned to me, sitting down where we first met, the destroyed grotto. I walked over to him, opening my mouth, but nothing came out. He turned, to see me, and he smiled sadly. He opened his mouth saying something. It was kinda muddled, but I think I heard,

"Soon, my lilypad. I'll see you soon enough. For now, you must rest, and it'll be over soon enough."

And just like that, he disappeared, and I woke up.

I think he's telling me that my death date is coming up.

I can't wait to see him again.

~Lilyanne K.W.


Wow, Kal. This place is beautiful, but are you sure the king and queen will approve? I'm kind of unknown." She asks the man swimming in front of her.

Ever since she learned that she could breathe underwater, she and Kaldur started exploring the deep together, and today Siren was going to Atlantis for the first time.

"Don't worry my lilypad. They know of you. After all, you are Siren, the beauty who sings." Aqualad smiles, noticing her nervous expression.

They stop in front of two big palace doors, the door leading to the Palace of Atlantis. He pushes the door open, beckoning the lady to come in. Inside was adorned with beautiful jellyfish, bobbing along to a nonexistent beat, every one of them a different color. He led her to a different room, a dining room of a sort, where the king and queen sat at the head of the table, chuckling at something the man next to them said.

"Your Majesties." Kaldur bowed. "Terribly sorry for being a bit late. We had businesses to attend to. This is my girlfriend, Lilyanne Kent Wayne, whom you know as Siren."

At the calling of her name, she also bowed, murmuring a soft greeting.

"Welcome to Atlantis, Siren. I am Queen Mera, and this is King Orin, the former Aquaman before Kaldur took his spot. Next to us is Garth, Kaldur'ahm's friend. Please, come sit with us for lunch."  Her majesty smiled.

The whole time passed smoothly, for Mera and Lilyanne bonded over the love of the sea plants growing about, and the next time she came, the queen promised to bring her to the garden. The rest of the men talked business and life on the outside and Atlantis, the troubles they have to fix. On some occasions, she heard the king joking to Kaldur, where if they had a child, she would name it Arthur if it was a boy, Arthurette if it was a girl. Both Siren and Kaldur simply laughed, with a hint of a blush spreading around their cheeks.

Soon, it was time to go, and they bade their goodbyes before leaving to resurface, laughing and chatting about what happened today.

Somehow, Kaldur knew that this was the girl he will choose to be with forever.

Ripples~Kaldur'ahm✔️Where stories live. Discover now