Chapter One

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I am really good at school, except for history. I mean who really cares about this stupid Robot War that happened like a hundred years ago.

Its the year 3854 and the world is basically the same as it was in 2014. Only difference is technology and clothes.

"Mom can you help me with my homework?" I asked

"Sorry Lucas honey I cant im working." My mom replied.

Since my mom got a at home job she has only been working non-stop. I turn on the tv since it was too quiet.

The news was on. "Ugh so boring."  I thought. Before I switched it i heard:

"Kidnapper still at large. A curfew has been placed and now all people under the age of 27 have to be in their homes by 8:00pm." The lady stated.

I look at the time. Its 8:15pm, I decide just for laughs to go onto the porch for some air.

Then suddenly big hands grabbed me and covered my mouth so I couldnt scream. The hand

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