Chapter Three

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I woke up to someone wearing doctors clothes and telling me to wake up.

"This wont hurt a bit" she lied.

"What are you doing"? I asked

"Putting a tracker in your ear." She said.

"For what?" I asked again.

"For your new home you fucking idiot" she said like a bitch.

Then she gave me a full check up to make sure i was healthy, including my private area.

"You are clean and have no disease or anything like that. If you want to stay that way dont go to the TENT." She warned.

"What?" I tried to say.

"NEXT!" The nurse yelled in my ear.

I was then led to another guy who explained everything and gave  me 100 gems. Its money at the camp. He also told me it wont last and that i need to get jobs by working in the tent.

"There are hundreds to choose from. The lowest paying tent is the sweeping tent where you sweep all the floors in the camp. The highest is the sexual tent. That is self explanatory." He said.

Then he gave me a pack and screamed "NEXT" in my ear.

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