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Gabriel entered the book store the two pregnant demons hide behind a book shelf unable to get away to the back area and with their demonic presence there extremely strong its nearly certain that they would be caught.

 Gabriel walked around the store slowly getting closer and closer to where the two demon were hiding. Aziraphale noticed and stepped in.

"hey there Gabriel what may bring you here"

"now Aziraphale I know you know where the demon is the demonic energy is extremely strong here."

"okay now I have a few things to say to you Gabriel one stop storming into my place and interfering with my life, two stop acting like you have some control over me its not happening and three take a look at your relationship with Beelzebub for a second"

Aziraphale snaps. The two demons look in shock as Gabriel steps back. Aziraphale steps forward as he looks Gabriel in the eyes.

"now tell me Gabriel when was the last time you heard from them"

"I I I don't know they went missing ages ago"

"yeah they are staying here you need to talk with them"


Aziraphale sighs heavily

"they are afraid of you and your job at the moment"

"what why would they be af...oh no oh no they are the other one having the sinful child aren't they"

"are you serious you are only just finding out"

"well yeah!!"

"guys just come out of hiding I'm sure this angel wont harm you two" 

Beelzebub and Crowley walks to be behind Aziraphale with them being around five months pregnant and knowing that he would protect them. Gabriel looks at Beelzebub and hugs them.

"oh I wondered why you didn't contact me this is what you are hiding"

"yezzz it wazzzz"

"come lets go I want to look after you and I will refuse to listen to god if it means being with you"

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