The Start of a Heart

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Joyce was finally starting to feel whole. Will was pretty much safe now, Jonathan seemed to be happy himself. He was hanging out with Nancy, and she seemed to do well by him, so Joyce didn't worry too much. She was just content with the fact that things seemed to finally be calming down. Hawkins and everything in it, even the Lab, seemed to have returned to a quiet little town once more.

Hopper was always coming by. He seemed to be like some kind of stray dog or cat, always coming around to guilt you into some attention or scraps. Joyce gladly obliged. She was just happy to have Hopper. He was always gentle and kind with her. Little kisses on her forehead and cheeks, gently running his fingers through her hair, soft brushes with his hands on her face. His hands were always a little rough and callused, but Joyce thought of that as character. It showed that Hop wasn't some kind of lazy, couch potato of a man. Like Lonnie.

Joyce was lost in her thoughts again, sitting on her living room couch. Lonnie... After her last fight with him about Will, and him calling Joyce crazy, and saying she wasn't a good mom, her screaming at him until she almost lost her voice, she figured he might never come back. Which was the way she wanted it. He was a scumbag anyways. Joyce didn't know how she had never saw the anger and hatred in him. It eventually bubbled to the top and exploded like one of those baking soda and vinegar volcanoes kids did in science class. Only it had the same amount of force and damage as a real volcano. Someone had just added a little too much vinegar into Lonnie's top.

Hopper suddenly startled Joyce out of her thoughts. "Joycie? You okay?"

Joyce jumped a little, and her mind focused back on the present, and Hopper in front of her. "Y..Yeah Hop. Just letting my thoughts wander." She gave a small smile.
Hopper bent down and kissed her forehead, then plopped down next to Joyce. "Really? You looked upset when I first walked in. Don't bs me." Hopper had a soft look of concern on his face.
Joyce couldn't help but smile. Hopper knew her. He was always there for her.
"I was worried about Lonnie. Well, what he might do. I mean, he's eventually going to come back for Will. Speaking of Will, what if that thing that was in him comes back and gets in in, El or... Will again? Wh-What if Lonnie decides that our past argument wasn't over? Or he thinks he needs to take Will with him since I'm such a bad mom? What am I supposed to do, Hop? Smack him with my tiny hands?" Joyce looked down at her hands, sighing, turning them over.

Hopper turned his body to Joyce.
"Joyce Elizabeth Byers." He took Joyce's hands, gently wrapping his own huge ones around hers. "I will always be here for you. I love you, and I want you and our little family to feel safe and cared for. I'm a big, badass police officer. If you ever feel unsafe, and especially if either one of those stupid little slugs show up, you call me, okay Joyce? You know you're almost my life now? Even before El, I cared so much about you, you were practically all I thought about. I still can't stop thinking of you. Joyce, you're all I breathe. I love El so much, but you two share my heart. I also love Will and Jonathan, I always will, but you... God Joyce, I don't think I could live without you." Hopper looked into Joyce's eyes, hoping he hadn't said too much, looking for a reaction.
Joyce's big brown doe eyes had little tears in them. She was smiling. "Hop..." Her voice broke a little. "You never struck me as a sappy kind of guy. But I love it. I love you." She kissed his cheek, his stubble scratching her face, but she dealt with it. She loved him too much to care.

A/N: This takes place after Season 3. Hop never "died" and Joyce decided not to move. I would love some feedback! This turned out to be a longer starting chapter. Hope you guys like it!

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