Trials and Truths

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Joyce sighed heavily. Today was the court day. She had been prepped for this day weeks before, but she still didn't feel ready.

The events leading up to the trial had been some of the most stressful things Joyce had experienced. Sure, there were worse things. But there was so much that was going on in her life now that she was finding it so hard to just do simple tasks. Joyce had snapped at both Jane and Will at least once, and felt terrible afterwords. She had apologized profusely through tears. She just had so much on her mind that little things seemed so very large. Joyce had gotten frustrated with Hopper when he started to ask her how she was going to testify. He was really just trying to be helpful, but Joyce started worrying about whether or not she could legally tell him so she started getting emotional, so instead of crying, she started yelling. Hopper had calmly tried to talk her down. It did end up with Joyce crying in his arms.

Hopper was with her through the whole thing. Joyce was so grateful he was there to support her. Joyce felt she didn't deserve him. She probably wouldn't have been able to do anything without him. He was a wonderful fiance, soon to be husband, and she couldn't be more happy that she was going to have his kid. Joyce's stomach was slowly growing larger day by day. It had only been about a month and a half, but her small frame didn't hide the baby bump very well. 

Hopper gave her a peck on her cheek and rubbed her small bump. They were standing in the kitchen, getting ready to leave ."You have got this Joyce. We'll win this case easily. We have evidence of Lonnie's abuse." Joyce breathed deeply through her nose and nodded. This was not going to be easy. They might win the case quickly, but she'd still have to go on the stand and testify, and probably get grilled by Lonnie's lawyer. Of course, there was only so much the lawyer could do, or he'd be accused of badgering. But it was still extremely stressful. The pressure of all the facts and figures, the evidence would definitely convict Lonnie, but Joyce was still terrified. She didn't exactly want to see Lonnie, but he obviously had to be there. She had already practiced on the stand with her extremely helpful lawyer, but the nerves didn't seem ready to disappear any time soon.

 Hopper helped Joyce carefully into the car. Hopper got in on the other side, and Jane opened the back door behind the driver's seat and got in behind Hopper.  Jane smiled at Joyce as Joyce looked around to Jane, startled. Hopper turned in his seat to look at Jane. "El- Jane Hopper, just what do you think you're doing?" Jane tilted her head, and looked at Hopper. "What are you talking about, dad?" Hopper sighed, shaking his head. "Jane, it's just Joyce and I that are going." Jane looked sad. "But I wanted to come support Mom..." Jane pouted slightly. Joyce's heart melted a bit. "Oh Jane... Hopper, babe." She placed a hand on his shoulder. Hop turned to face her. She gave him her big, brown puppy dog eyes. Which he would never be able to deny. Joyce knew this, but she would never actually use this look to manipulate him, because that was wrong. This time, she was begging for Jane to come to the trial. Joyce wanted her to come, so she might as well. Hopper sighed and gave in. "Alright, alright she can come."  Joyce and Jane smiled, which caused Hopper to do the same, as he shook his head. They took off, heading for the courthouse. 

A/N: WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT. FINALLY, A CHAPTER. Also hey I'm sorry this chapter isn't as long, but I wanted to get a chapter out. I swear on Hopper's bald head that the trial will be next chapter. Love y'all. Hopefully I'll get more productive soon, ha. 

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