
18 1 1

26 ABY 

it is so unbelievable that the vong threat shows up everywhere that their presence almost reach to the core world as the screen plays an new republic soldier tries to fend of the vong some of them are frightened of those creature and seeing them dead getting killed and then the screen turned off.

and the briefing moment in the trappian military base as the military personnel discuss about to stop the vong invasion once in for all and they though dismantling them is useless since they used this method to combat the empire back when palpatine exist and since they discovered their leader shimrra jamaane. they decided that killing him will bring an end of the vong invasion and yet the rest of the member agreed as deox comes in to show up due to their threat is higher.

meanwhile in the hargreave headquarter meeting room floor 50.

as many trappian military personnel comes to the meeting to discuss about the awful threat of yuuzhan vong since they had spread their filth nearly everywhere that's make the trappian worry about losing 20 of their star system they hold in the hands of the vongs.

Jack hargreave saids 'i am afraid this is some bad news gentlemen. the vong has been screwing Nar shadaa and destroyed yavin 4 jedi temple and Nal hutta. in a matter of no time they will be coming for us since they take the threat of our droid really serious but now they have been done taking care of the hutts and now they had establish a base in the core worlds and this is bad because we cannot let them take coruscant or else things will be a more harsh'.

as hargreave open the the tv screen seeing a lot of the vong threat has been seriously taken since the last previous year they fortified against the intergalactic invader that they are going to face off.

many trappian military personnel were in shock and feel with fury and wanted to hunt those vong to dead.

and then colonel barns speaks out 'we shouldn't let those fanatics enter our star system and keep them of bay. if they enter our star system we will are gonna be screwed and we are taking their threat much seriously now then previously'.

then hk 47 appeared on the meeting room and watch the meeting.

then admiral garb saids 'its unbelievable that the yuuzhan vong has managed to breach the core world. oh my gosh this is unbelievable  they had made the new republic look like a bunch of wimp and yet we are all look like an idiot here and this is all due to our total ignorant. we should've listened to grand admiral thrawn on his motif about these imperial stuff anyways and he should've tell this to the new republic peacefully rather than attacking it and yet we have to face the consequence'.

the other military personnel are arguing with this situation and then they are gonna called the president of trappian for more fortification and allowing the droid army to liberate other planet in the hands of the yuuzhan vong.

and yet hargreave and the rest of the trappian entrepreneur agreed the reason is they wont gonna get their business screwed up.

as Dexter deox just do what hargreave is gonna says he just stand there and watch the meeting.

and thus where the attack begins.

as the trappian decided to weaken the imperial again they decided to attack another imperial base of operation planet that had an environment of lush pine forest and since the info revealed that the vong are attacking them they decided to uses this as an advantage. while they can weaken both of them.

as the droid army landed on the planet they begin their assault on the first phase of the imperial base and locating everyone there. but they saw some organic trail on sigh and they know its the yuuzhan vong who is coming as the hk droid and the b2 hides in the pine trees they see vongs and imperial fighting each other and thus they come out and shoot both of them.

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