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Alright, before I start I just want to give a bit of context. This story takes place at a summer camp in the woods of northern Alberta, Canada for troubled youth, so basically a reformatory camp for juvenile delinquency. However, this camp also takes in normal children.
There are cabins for ages all the way from 6 to 17, giving a total of 22 girl cabins and 22 guy cabins, 44 cabins in all. Half of both the girl cabins and guy cabins are meant for juvenile delinquents while the other half are meant for normal children. Each cabin has 2-4 counselors and anywhere from 10-20 campers. We will be mainly focusing on two of the guy's cabins. Tribe Wolf Skin and Tribe Eagle Feather.
Tribe Wolf Skin is the 17 year old age devision cabin for delinquents. So basically, a bunch of drug addicts, gang members, and people who get into all sorts of trouble. In this cabin we have Kyro Reid. He's a 17 year old 'Bad Boy' from New York, New York. He's about 6'3, one of the tallest guys in his cabin. He's also fairly muscular, making him basically the 'Gang Leader' of his cabin. He was originally sent to camp by his father at the beginning of summer and was to stay until the last session, the reason being his constant fighting and having been accused of killing his little sister's rabbit, a crime he didn't do and that she had done herself by accident but blamed him, knowing he'd probably just deal with it rather than try to pin it back on her. He has originally black hair that's been shaved off on the right side, the part he hadn't shaved being dyed a dark red color that was almost black unless compared to his shaved part, that hair still being jet black. He has a double eyebrow piercing and a few ear piercings, giving him a tough exterior. His eyes are a dark brown, almost black. His skin is slightly tanned, about the same color as the sand that covered the ground but not as yellow.
Tribe Eagle Feather is the 16 year old devision for normal children. Basically a bunch of goody-two-shoes who try to act perfect the entire time they're at camp. Among these boys we have Lukas Winchester from Aurora, Colorado, usually just called Luke by his cabin mates and counselors. His parents sent him to camp for the summer so they could have some time away from him, his little brother being in Tribe Fir Tree, which was a 10 year old cabin for normal kids. He's a fairly average person. A toned body, about 5'11, light blue eyes that light up in the sun, pale skin that he has to sunscreen constantly in fear of burning up, and messy light brown hair that goes down to about his ears. He's one of the shortest people in his cabin, only about 3 people out of 19 being shorter than he is.
These two people are going to be your main characters so go ahead and say 'Hi' right now! Of course, there will be new characters along the way. I mean, what kind of story only has two characters? Considering anyone actually reads this, I'm open to any ships along the way as long as they aren't toxic or anything. I do have a few set ships already in place but I don't want to ruin anything you guys might want. So, without further ado, I present to you Camp Asterwood!!!

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