Chapter 1: "Arrival"

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Luke's POV
I'm driving to camp with my mom, dad, and younger brother, Micheal. We've already stopped a few times for both gas and food. We've only been on the road for about 10 hours, the anticipation building within me as I question what our first activity will be. Crafts? Swimming? UGH! I just want to get there already!
I fall asleep, my head pressed against the back seat window as I listen to the rumble of my dad's truck engine. He is a mechanic for a well known auto parts store while my mom is a brain surgeon. I wake up a few hours later and look around, not exactly knowing where we are. I look over at my parents before sleepily mumbling "Where are we?"
"We're somewhere in Montana, about to be at the border" My dad whispers, my mom and brother both asleep. "We outta be getting to camp tomorrow morning"
I look out the window, just now noticing how dark it is outside. I smile, always having had loved the darkness even at a young age. It was always weird when I would go over to my friend's houses and they slept with nightlights. A few hours pass by and we've crossed the border, the sun beginning to rise through the trees as we drive through a large forest. My mom begins to wake up, looking around but staying silent. She was always very quiet and almost never smiled, a very stern woman indeed. I look up at the sunrise through the trees, feeling a strong sense of calm wash over me and stamping a smile on my face.
A couple of hours later we arrive, driving under a large archway with the words 'Camp Asterwood' written in fancy writing. I smile brightly, shaking my brother awake.
"Micheal! Micheal! We're here! We're finally here!" I yell, Micheal shaking me off and rolling his eyes. He wasn't a big fan of our parents sending us to camp, saying that his friends are going to miss him and that he's 'Too cool for summer camp'. That always made me a bit upset but I usually just brush it off and pay no attention. We park in the parking lot and unload both mine and my brother's trunks, each of us having only one. We all get in the shuttle that takes us to our cabins. We arrive at mine first, my parents helping me unload my trunk before getting back on the shuttle and going with my brother.
I wave until they're out of sight then start trying to drag my trunk inside. I get a few feet before one of the other guys walks over.
"Need some help there? I don't want you to accidentally fall and hurt yourself or drop this on your toes" He laughs, picking it up and carrying it inside. "Name's Hunter by the way."
I smile up at him, him being much bigger than me.
"Thanks Hunter, my name is Lukas but you can just call me Luke!" I drag my trunk over to the bunk with my name on it. I was lucky enough to get a bottom bunk, being deathly afraid of heights. I open my trunk and take my blankets and pillow out along with a few stuffed animals I've had since I was little. I make my bed before closing my trunk and collapsing into the mattress, not being super comfortable but still being happy that I've finally arrived.

Kyro's POV
I get on the plane I'm taking to Alberta, my dad flying with me to make sure I don't run off as soon as I arrive. We find our seat and sit down, me getting getting the window seat and him getting the one right next to me. I sigh and take my phone and earbuds out of my pocket, putting them in my ears before turning my music up all the way. My dad looks over at me and growls, pulling them out of my ears and forcing me to look at him by grabbing my jaw and turning my head towards him.
"Listen Kyro, you're going off to camp and you're going to behave, got it? If I get a call from the camp saying that you set a fire to a cabin or killed some poor, innocent child I won't be defending you anymore." My dad was a lawyer who had gotten me out of a few tough spots, making it hard for me to be disrespected towards him. I jerk my head out of his grasp and rub my jaw, mumbling and a quiet voice. "Yes Sir... Understood." I put my earbuds back in my ears and look out the window, not wanting to speak to him any longer. I flip the hoodie of my blank sweatshirt up over my hair, trying to hide myself from the person who was sitting on the other side of my dad who had been staring at me since we sat down.
The flight seems to go by fairly quickly, having only fallen asleep for a few hours at a time. Me and my dad get off the plane and go get my trunk. On the side of my trunk was a large hole that we had patched up with lots of strips of electrical tape. We call an Uber come pick us up, loading the trunk in the back and getting in. My dad sits in the front seat and gives directions to the driver while I sit silently in the back seat. I play on my phone for a bit before my dad reaches back with his hand open.
"Give it here. We'll be there in a few minutes." I growl but obey, turning my phone off before placing it in his hand. I then look out the window until we arrive, the Uber dropping us off and leaving after I get my trunk out. We get on the shuttle and it takes us to my cabin. I get off and get my trunk, my dad just sitting there until leaving without even saying goodbye. I roll my eyes and carry my trunk inside, most of the other campers already there. I notice a few people staring at me like they've just seen a ghost.
"What do you want? How bout' you take a picture? It outta last longer." I growl and they quickly look away as I start making my bed. Once I'm done, another guy about the same body and height as me approaches me.
"Sup Man? Welcome to hell." He smiles and offers his hand. "I'm Aaron, and you?" I glare at him and he lowers his hand, stepping back and holding his hands up slightly in almost a defensive sort of way "Calm down bud, I was just introducing myself..." He mumbles, his voice shaky and almost scared sounding. I sigh and sit down on my bed. "Kyro. What bunk are you?" I raise one eyebrow and he smiles, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'm actually right above you. I promise, I don't snore too loud." He mumbles and I smile, laying down and closing my eyes. "Welp, it was cool meeting you Aaron but I'm tired as hell so please... Don't wake me up unless there's food or a fire."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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