The flight

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Cody pov: I can't wait for Joe to come to New Hampshire. I been waiting for so long it is all I can think of, weirdly. Heh it's probably nothing. I problem should text him since I am picking him up. (Hey tell me when u are about 40 minutes away so I can pick u up ok😁.)

Time skip to 40 minutes left In the flight

Joe pov: I woke up to see that Cody texted me a hour ago. I looked at the time and saw there was 34 minutes till the flight would land. So I texted him (Hey I'm landing in 32 minutes sorry saw this late. Can't wait to see u.) I'm so cheesy I thought. Ding... Oh it Cody he said he can't wait to see me too. Well I guess I'm not that cheesy 😏.

Time skip to when the flight Ends

Cody pov: Ding... Oh it's Joe he said he just landed and will be at the door soon. Well I guess I should wait for him at the door.

Time skip to later

Where is he it's bee..n.. Ahh.... oh it's just u. I mean... yay it's u. Cody u sound that like your depressed or really nervous come on where's the car. How did he know I was nervous... It was probably just a guess heh ya...

So Cody how long is the way back? Umm about 2 hours. Ok that's not that long I guess.

Joe pov: I'm so tired I thought. I hope that I don't fall asleep that would be so umm. Well u know what I'm talking about.

Few minutes later

Hey Joe we're home.    (So me and Cody went and got my bags he showed me where the gust room was and all that stuff.)   So Joe now that your here what do u want to do. I want to sleep I'm tired I said quietly laughing to my self. Well bye or good night... Just sleep, Cody stupidly said to me. I swear there is something up with him, oh well.

Hey it me the writer I love this so far yay!!!!

Atlantic Craft  Joe x Cody  Cute love story #JodyWhere stories live. Discover now