Its just the beganing

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Cody pov: I can't Believe myself. I'm such a.. get ahold of your self Cody address the issue why are u like this. Well I could be nervous to see him again since it has been a long time, maybe... no I don't. I'm straight as a line. Maybe it will get better I mean we're friends and.. that's it right heh.

Joe POV: what is wrong with Cody he is acting strange. Was it something I said? Do I smell? No it must be something else I just don't know what. Maybe I will find out *sleeps*

W..What time is it. Is it the morning. Wher- oh ya. And I left my phone in the living room so I have to get up now ugh. Hey Cod... what are u doing.. Um well I thought I would get some ideas. You know like what we could do. Oh, ok what time is it and have you seen my phone. Ya, it's 5:37 and here u go. Thanks, it might be to late to do a lot but we could play Minecraft then watch a movie. Uhh ya sounds good. Hey Cody. Ya Joe. Are you ok. Y..Ya what do u mean heh. I don't know you been acting kinda weirdish lately. Oh.. I guess I kinda have been, but how noticeably is it. It's probably me don't worry about it. Something is definitely up, I thought, and I know it. But I need to get him to reveal more. Oh, well... I guess.

Cody pov: He is definitely figuring out something and I wish he wouldn't but then again I do...

Hey do u want to watch this movie. Ya, sure joe said. Wait does that involve worm clowns I... um.. don't.. well they are... I'm guessing you don't want to watch it. We can but... I-. We don't have to watch Cody. No we can.. I'll watch it. You sure? Ya I am. Ok, here you can set it up I have some snacks in my bag. When joe left I thought to my self , maybe if I get scared enough I cou— no. Cody you don't ok. He is your friend ok. Stop. Besides you aren't scared of them they just disgusts you. *sigh* Hey I'm back. Did u get the movie ready? Ya, you ready. Yep, are u. Umm, I think. Good enough play it. While he was contently watching the movie I couldn't help to notice his hair... then I quickly looked away before he could catch me staring. Then I thought to my self no u don't ugh... but wait, what if the line isn't straight? no no no Just watch the movie. Right before I went back to watching the move I looked... or maybe stared at him, but the red hair tho 😭. ok it has to be in my head because I don't really lik- don't even say it Cody.

I don't get me.

Next part will be during the movie 😁👌

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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