The call

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Noni opened her eyes slowly. Letting them adjust to the bright room lit up by the sun peeking down through the window. She wiped her eyes and looked next to her. David was gone. She gained panic as all the bad possibilities ran up to her head. Did David leave her during the middle of the night? Did he regret staying with her? Did Scott come during the middle of night? Where was he at? Is he okay? Is this another dream?

Noni was the type of person who thought all of the bad situations first rather than thinking from a positive point of view. This made Noni really insecure which caused her even more anxiety and fear than normal.

"Oh no-" As she was about to get off of bed she noticed that she didn't have any clothes cause of last night. She quickly grabbed some new clothing from her drawer and picked her clothes from last night just so her room wouldn't look like such a mess.

"Oh fuck no. Please no" All of her thoughts rushed into her head as she rushed down stairs into the living room. The second she made it to the first floor, she smelled the scent of fresh cooked Bacon.

Noni sighed in relief as she looked over at the kitchen and saw David cooking. She walked over to the kitchen and could smell the scent of the food stronger than ever.

"Morning sleepy head" David looked behind him and saw the tiny woman walking up to him.

"Hey baby" Noni walked up to David and hugged him. David returned the hug and kissed Noni on the top of her head.

"Daviddddd. You know that you don't have to do these type of things. You didn't have to cook breakfast"

"Eh that's nothing to worry about. I didn't want to wake you up cause you were sound sleep like a rock. Literally! I accidentally hit the wall loudly with my elbow so I came up to check if I hadn't woken you up but you were still sound asleep" David crackled a laugh as Noni playfully nudged him and giggled.

"Hey hey hey. I can take over from here baby! I can finish cooking. By the way, your cooking smells delicious!" Noni took the frying pan from David's hands and nudged David to the left so she could take over.

"Thanks. I learned how to cook cause of my mom. She showed me how to cook at a young age so Ive loved cooking ever since"

"No wonder your cooking smells so good"

David chuckled as he prepared the dinner table to eat breakfast. He asked several small questions like "where's the plates?", "Which cabinet had the spoons again baby?", "Which cups do I use darling?" etc. He placed out plates, cups, eating utensils and looked into Noni's fridge for something to drink.

"Hey Noni, do you possibly have something to drink?"

"Oh yeah I think I have orange juice in the bottom. Unless i've ran out already" She gestured at the bottom area of the fridge as she flipped over pancakes.

"Oh yeah, here it is"

Noni brought out the freshly cooked bacon, eggs, and pancakes as David filled 2 cups with Orange juice. The whole house was filled with the smell of breakfast. That made David feel like this was his home... home he thought.

He couldn't believe that he thought this was his house. Their house. His mind was filled with mini scenarios of Noni and him living in a house together; Like he's wished ever since high school. The thought of waking up to her. Waking up next to his love of his life every single day would be a dream come true. A dream he thought. Just a dream.

"Hey are you okay?" Asked Noni with a sadish look on her face. She placed her hand on his as David came back to earth from the clouds.

"Uh Yeah. Yeah I'm fine... just thinking" He said in a quiet tone.

"Whats got ya thinking so hard?" Noni Asked with a smile trying to light up his mood. It definitely did work. Seeing Noni smile made his heart flutter and his stomach drop of how beautiful she looked when she smiled.

"Nothing" He played with his food while he stared down at his plate.

"Tell me..."

David looked up at Noni and gave her a soft smile. David didn't even realize he was smiling. He just became "soft" seeing her.

"I uh. I just had a quick thoug-"

David was interrupt by his phone ringing. Noni gave him a quick smile and started playing with her food awkwardly while David reached for his phone from his pocket. He looked at the screen and gulped.

"I uH. Could I quickly take this call?"

"Oh yeah. Of course"

David stood up and placed his fork on his plate.

"Be back in a sec" He quickly walked over to the front door and gently closed it behind him.

"Hello? Ali? Babe?"

"Where the hell are you?! You said you would be home by morning!" Ali basically yelled into the phone in pure anger. She was the type of girl with some few jealousy problems. Maybe not few. A lot...

"I told you I'm at Winona's" David answered in a annoyed tone. Here we go again...


"I uH I know. I didn't want to wake you up baby" He was calling her cute names just so she would relax a little. Didn't work though.

"You didn't even say anything last night at the party!! You practically left me alone David! What the fuck is wrong with you lately?"

"I am helping Winona! Relax!! Scott and her had a argument yesterday during the party and Scott hurt her so I had to defend her!"

"Okay and?! Why the hell are you sleeping with her? Are you cheating on me Harbour?!" She only calls him by his last name when she's real mad. Like now...

He stood quiet for a second; not knowing what to say. He was planning to break up with her. But he thought that this wasn't the right time to tell her. Obviously.

"No! I had to keep her company. Her boyfriend is a maniac so I didn't want her to be alone. That's it! Nothing wrong. I am helping her for today only. Okay?..........Hello? Ali?"

He paused for a while, trying to listen to the background. He heard her cry quietly in the background.

"Hey. Babe. Don't cry. I'll be home in a second. Let me eat breakfast and I'll be there. We can fix this together okay honey?" He felt kinda bad for Ali. He didn't know what to feel now.

"Okay baby. Just- Just don't cheat on me or do anything stupid..." Her voice trembled a little as she took deep breaths relaxing herself.

"I- I won't. Bye"


He leaned into the door closing his eyes for a second. What am I doing? I can't do this. Fuck. What am I gonna tell her? When should I break up with her? ugh...

He took a deep breathe, gathered all of his thoughts, and went back inside to Noni.

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