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"I'll be back later okay? I'm taking you on that date for sure" David walked to the living room to pick up his clothes that laid on the sofa.

"No David. Don't. You need to stay with Ali. She's already mad and I don't want to cause any more problems than I've already made"

David picked up his Tux and his pants from the couch and walked over to Noni who was standing by the front door.

"I know I'll fix that too. She's got a meeting with her music band later tonight. And I'm pretty sure that she's gonna stay over for the night. I don't know I'll ask her, but maybe we can go eat somewhere while she's gone..." David kissed her and looked down at her shiny eyes.

"We can't stay out late okay? We need to wake up early tomorrow for the filming and- and planning out and all that stuff" Noni lied. She mostly didn't want to stay out late cause of Ali. She didn't want to get Ali mad even more. They've been good friends for a while and she pretty much knows that Ali will definitely be dead mad at her for "taking" David. Who knows what she could do...

"Okay okay. We won't. Alright? I'll pick you up at uhhhhh... 7 here. You can choose any where to eat. Choose wisely cause fans will definitely be around. We won't be able to eat without people staring at us" David chuckled a little as he pictured him and Noni being surrounded by paparazzis while they ate.

"Okay. Also one thing"


"Umm can we not make this obvious? You know what I mean?"

David looked puzzled for a while until he figured out what she meant by "this".

"Ooh yeah yeah. Okay. Could I at least hold your hand?" David gave her his best puppy eyes. Which failed.

"Nope. Sorry baby. I want to keep this private for a while. You know the internet WILL go crazy cause of these news. all these danona shippers will freak out." She gave him a cheeky smile as she winked.

"Uhhhh fine!" David came down to Noni's lips and kissed her. David took her Into a bear hug as they deeply kissed before leaving. He sneakily slid his hand under her shorts and touched her ass for a while.

"David!" She chuckled a little as they still continued the kiss.

"Fine fine" David pulled back with a tiny fake frown.

"You can get it later night" Noni bit her lip slightly as David registered what she said in his head.

David understood what she meant and gave her a smirk as he quickly hugged her before opening the front door.

"Bye. Love you!!"

"Bye, see you later! Love you too"


Okay, so what am I gonna tell her? Do I even tell her? Or should I wait? Fuck. She's gonna be so mad. Damn it Ali.

David's mind went all over the place as he drove to his house where Ali was waiting for him. His mind was deciding wether to break up with her now, or later. He pictured several scenes of the outcome in his mind. Would she be mad? Well obviously. Duh. Would she kick me out? Probably. If she does where am I gonna stay? With Noni?

All of those questions made his head hurt and his stomach drop. He tried and tried to get rid of the questions that popped up into his head. But he can't outrun his own mind. No one can run away from their mind. It's impossible.


Fuck. Take a deep breathe and just tell her. It'll be okay. Damn it. My hands are so sweaty. Fuck it.

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