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3rd pov

A small splash echoed through the empty reception as a mop glided over the floor. It started as normal, first the entrance then the long corridors, and finally a break before the tanks had to be cleaned. The h/c-ette was rolling the cart all over the room carefully to get every corner and spot on the floor. A few small splotches could be seen on the floor by the chairs, probably from a juice box. After thoroughly moping the floors and spraying down the waiting seats and tables, Y/n moved on to the corridors dragging the cart with her.

 Halfway done with the last corridor Y/n could hear doors slamming and rushed footsteps drawing closer to her. She barely managed to move to the side as a hoard of researchers, marine vets, and the keepers sprinted past her. Turning her head towards another section, eyes connecting with one of the other janitors Mark. Both shared a confused look before agreeing that it was impressive that no one from the hoard fell on the slippery floors. 

Not long after the incident, they both met up in the breakroom. "Hey Mark, know anything about earlier?" he slightly shook his head turning to Y/n. "No, not really. The only thing I know is that it must be important for all of them to come running that early in the morning." Y/n laughed agreeing before turning to her locker to get her lunch for the day.

Y/n's pov

After reaching for my breakfast I closed the door and sat down at the table with Mark. "Well, we'll probably know sooner or later anyway" Lifting up a sandwich taking a bite humming slightly "Coffee?" nodding I turned slightly. "Yes please," I could hear footsteps again and hushed voices.  Mark came and sat down in front of me. "wonder if it has something to do with the new corridor" confused I glanced up at him "New corridor?" he seemed surprised before he burst out laughing "You really didn't know? now that I think about it, it kinda makes sense. You usually blast music when you wash." I could feel a warmth spread over my cheeks, puffing them out slightly in embarrassment. 

I opened my mouth to respond but was interrupted by the door slammed open revealing Leah with big eyes. "Oh my god, you won't believe what I overheard by the new corridor" She squealed before rushing to sit down by Mark leaning excitedly against him. Mark shuffled a little trying to gain some space before turning to her. I chomped down on the last piece of my sandwich before turning my full attention towards her. "They are planning to open a new exhibit, and the new fish is apparently so big they had to get a double holding tank before they let it into the new one" she was so excited she looked like she was about to jump out of her chair. 

She quickly downed the rest of my coffee before grabbing Mark and me running out the door. I stumbled slightly trying to keep up with her. "how can you have so much energy" I mumbled trying not to be heard by her and gaining a small laugh from Mark. 

The talking ahead of us slowly got louder as we neared the new section of the building. Right as we turned a corner we saw all the people from before standing in front of a door. At the center of the herd stood Alexander. "Ass you all know we have a new exhibit coming soon. The creature going into it is currently in one of the holding tanks. I wand all marine biologists and vets on this. You will start after the closing today as we still need to tend to the other fish here." Exited whispers broke out from the crowd "A new program will be made for the keepers, this will be put to action within next week." Again the people broke out in whispers. "As for the construction of the new exhibit. It is almost done and we will give it about a day to acclimate and release it into its new home." Pens could be heard scribbling away on paper. 

After a minute Alexander's eyes immediately darted to our small trio behind the crowd. Leah's grip immediately tightened around our wrists. Carefully I tried to get her off me only to be pulled forward again. "And since there is more space now we will have to have someone assigned to clean. The tank will be cleaned tomorrow and will not be cleaned again for about a few weeks after it has been released." we all went forward to get a closer look at him. He raised his hand and took down the temporary wall and door. He stepped over the pile and guided everyone through the new place. "After the little tour, I want all cleaners to quickly clean up what needs to." nodding our little groop followed the rest.

Just like my housekeeper (Yandere/Obsessed merman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now