a little family fun

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Third pov

Night is now 16teen while toothless is 17teen and they were sleeping together with night wrapped up by his brother and remembered last night was they rescued the dragons and got home late and he falled asleep on toothless then when toothless woke up he let night out and night said "morning bro how'd you sleep ?" Then night said "good " then toothless said " ok frost wants to see how ur doing" then night grinned knowing frost likes him since he came and saw him then he walked to see frost with a grin then frost asked " ready for feeding time ?" Then night said " yep" then frost said good and good to see u up for the day" then after awhile they went to the feeding area and frost came out shooting fish and the dragons went after them and night got some and went to a nice grassy part and began cooking the fish when toothless looked at night and night said " you already eat its my turn " then toothless said fine" then night saw his nightfury brother by the water then he got up and ran to his brother and pushed him in the water then toothless saw his brother laughing then toothless pulled night in with him and they started splashing the other when luna was flying and saw her kids splashing around then she had an idea and flew hitting the water splashing the water getting her boys soaked then they screamed " mooomm!!! Making luna grin .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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