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My shift ended about half an hour ago, and I'm dressed and headed out the door to Nadia's. It's a nearly twenty minute drive from me and Asra's house to Nadia's, since it's across town.

The car ride there doesn't drag on long. My mind is plagued with anxious thoughts about what she could possibly want to talk about, and the time passes so quickly that I don't even notice. I nearly pass by the correct address on the way. I stop the car abruptly on the street before turning into the parking lot, and getting out.

This place is massive, I think to myself. I hop up onto the front porch and try to push down the last of my worry when I push the doorbell. I can hear the loud ring from inside, and the sound of footsteps coming towards the door. My head races again. Am I over-dressed? Should I have brought something like wine instead of tea as a gift? Not that I could buy it anyways. I'm a year under age and Asra doesn't drink that stuff. How should I speak to her? What should I address her as? I don't have any more than a couple seconds to panic before the heavy white doors before me open to reveal Nadia Satrinava herself.

She's regal. She holds herself high, but she's planted firmly on the ground, and stays there with everyone else. That much I can tell right away. Her long purple and magenta hair is partially pulled back and parted to frame her face. She's wearing a pink wrap dress underneath a wide accent belt. Her voice rings through the silence. "Hello, Y/n," she smiles.

I'm awestruck. I'm talking to this gorgeous singer right outside of her house. I have to hold back a stutter. "Hi, Ms. Satrinava,". She chuckles and gestures for me to come inside. "It's Nadia, and it's very nice to finally meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine, really," I grin as she leads me to the dining room. "You have a wonderful home." She turns a bit pink at the compliment. "Thank you, y/n. That's very sweet of you to say,". I rub the back of my neck shyly. "It's no problem."

She stops guiding me as we reach our destination, the dining room. The table is set out with three placements and several dishes. Potatos, greens of all sorts, salad, fruit bowls. "My friend Portia and I cooked this together tonight," Nadia spoke up. "It's almost done, but the swordfish is still finishing. I'm sorry for the delay,".

I shake my head as we both take a seat. "It's just fine, Ms Sa-uh-er, Nadia." Just as I finish my phrase, a red headed girl strolls into the dining room from the kitchen, holding a large platter of spiced sword fish.

"Okay, now dinner is ready," she chirps. As she places the main course in the center of the table, I get a good look at her face. "Portia Devorak?!" I squeal, and she laughs. Now I'm loosing it.

No way, I'm not meeting TWO celebrities in ONE night, I think. Portia Devorak, the spunky redheaded bisexual queen herself, known for her songs about romantic encounters with girls. "Ease My Mind", "Girls Like Girls", and "Cliff's Edge" are my personal favorites. I'm sitting at a table with two of my own favorite musicians, and big names in the industry. Me, y/n l/n.

And what the hell did they want with me?

As Nadia and Portia are filling up their plates, I sit there in a stupor. My mind is racing again.

"So y/n, I bet you're wondering why we called you here," Portia perks up. I nod my head. My mouth is still slightly agape.

"We've known you as a friend of my own friend, Asra Alnazar. He had always insisted on your musical talents, but also told us that you refused help in your career. We respected this, but once we saw your video..." Nadia drifts off, letting Portia finish for her.

"We had to ask to at least collaborate with you. Asra hadn't shown us your stuff before because he said that you probably wouldn't want us to see, but when this thing blew up, it was everywhere. Y/n, you are insanely gifted. We want to work with someone like you."

Nadia starts up again, " You have such immense passion in your music. I can see it, and I can feel it and hear it in your voice. If you decline, we understand."

"But," Portia picks up, "we do really want to work with you. The way you light up when you play is just too charming to resist!"

I take a moment to let everyone soak in. Me? Work with me? Collaborate with me? So...make a song with me? Sing with me? In front of them? I can tell that I'm turning red.

This is big. In fact, this is huge. There's no way in hell I can deny this, but...am I ready for a leap this large? Nadia can see my distress in my face.

"I understand that this is probably quite a bit to throw on you. You don't have to make a decision tonight if you don't want to."

My eyes lower from hers to my plate. When I think about it, I realize that this isn't a decision I have to make later. I shouldn't even be thinking this over. Whether I'm ready or not, I can't turn this sort of invitation down.

I look up to Nadia, and then over to Portia, and nod.

"I'd be more than happy to work with you."

Music, My Magic - a musician au arcana x reader [PROLOGUE]Where stories live. Discover now