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I smile the whole ride home. This is still all so surreal—the video, the followers, the collaboration opportunities— but it was definitely exciting. What did I do to deserve all these good things?

As I'm pulling into the driveway of my house, I'm hit with a sudden wave of exhaustion. It's been a long day, and I haven't really had a moment to process anything. All I can think about while unlocking the door is a nice cup of tea, the couch, and rewatching a season of Stranger Things. I drag myself into the kitchen to brew some tea, and turn on the tv in the living room, walking back into the kitchen to check my tea.

My adrenaline spikes when I hear the sound of something opening. It sounds like a window. Who opened the window? Is my house being broken into? I reach into a drawer and grab the first thing I can grasp my hand around. A spatula. Not what I was hoping for, but better than nothing. I quiet my footsteps so I won't be heard by any possible intruders. I have my phone on hand for an emergency call, too.

I peek my head around the corner. No one's in the dining room, but I can hear someone else's footsteps in the living room. I tip-toe quietly between rooms. I reach the living room and no one is in there.

"Behind you."


"Agh, gods! What was that for?!"

Lying on the ground in front of me is a man, about six feet tall, with red hair and an eyepatch covering his right (my left) eye. I apparently hit him harder than I anticipated.

"Fucking robber!" I'm about to hit him again when he puts his hands up in defense.

"Wait, wait, wait! I'm not a robber, I'm here to see Asra!" He pleads.

I direct my spatula pointedly at him. "Who's asking?"


"Last name?"


Are. You. Kidding. Me?

"Three in one night. I just met three famous singers in one night and I HIT ONE OF THEM WITH A SPATULA," I back up from Julian, and begin pacing around the living room.

Julian Devorak is an alternative artist known from his inspiration from emo, goth rock, and punk genres, as well as his unwavering charisma. He has a tendency to get into mischief, as evidenced by his instagram, and this was certainly not the first time he had climbed into a house from a window. But this time it was MINE. I take a deep, long inhale before turning to him.

"Why the window?" I ask. "Why not, oh, THE FRONT DOOR? You scared the shit out of me!"

Julian laughs as he stands up, balancing against the coffee table for stability. "Old habit I suppose. I uh...used to do that to Asra. It's been a while. The lights were on, so I figured he'd be home." He blows a stray strand of hair out of his face, and it falls back into the clump of messy curls covering his right eyepatch. "I'm assuming he's not?"

"No, he's on a trip until probably the end of the week. Shooting another music video," I try to see to it that my saddened sigh goes unnoticed by the lanky redhead. Luckily, he's oblivious

"Well," he blushes, then runs his hand through the shorter, left side of his hair and strides closer to me. "I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting Asra's lovely roommate. It's delightful to meet you, Y/N." He crosses his arms over his classic leather jacket and white tee. He's trying to be intimidating.

I hold my hand out to him. "Nice to meet you." I give him a mischievous smile. He's more intimidated by me than I am by him. Tuff guy's a big softie. Not a surprise when you've listened to his lyrics enough.

He clears his throat again. "Well, I was going to ask what the cards say for my near future, but since Asra's not home I guess I'll take my leave,".

Something in me tells him to stop. "I can give you a tarot reading if you like," I offer.

Another smirk spreads across the red-head's face. "Could you now?"

I nod, and grab Asra's deck off of the coffee table. He left them with me while he was gone for safekeeping. I have my own decks, but these are right here, so I might as well use them. Plus, his cards seem to like me. I plop on the couch, shuffle the deck, pull out the first three cards that seem to speak to me, and spread them on the table. The first card I turn over is Death.

"Ah. Death, new beginnings, rebirth. I sense some sort of big change. Maybe—" Julian cuts me off with a laugh without letting me finish.

"Thank you," he stands up, places a ten dollar bill on the table, and walks back over to the window. I wasn't going to charge him. And why not use the front door? And why did he cut me off?

I call across the room, "Wait, you know the Death card doesn't actually mean—" he cuts me off again.

"Thanks again, but my fate is sealed. Gimme a call when Asra is home. I have something to talk to him about," and with that, he'd hopped out the window and left.

He didn't even give me his number???

Music, My Magic - a musician au arcana x reader [PROLOGUE]Where stories live. Discover now