episode 6 part 2

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Kingdom: vale
Time: same time
Location: cliff

Ice: wow

James: ok

Luke: hmmm

Zepper: is it safe. (Presses the lunch pad)

Oscar: I don't know.

Ozpin: totally safe. But haven't been used in years.

Ice: ok. (Steps on it)

(Two males are talking to Each other like friends)

???: well now. Let's do this. By the way. I'm Amber rose. And this (points at his weapon) is echoed rose

???: really. My name Mevro Adel. I got silent edge, swift night and inner  darkness.

Amber: really. Any range

Mevro: only silent edge. It takes dust to throw some heavy elemental waves.

Amber: nice. mines (changes his weapon into it's gun form) based off of the M395 DESIGNATED MARKSMAN RIFLE from halo reach.

Mavro: ah. Marksmen I see.

Amber: my mom's cresant rose was a sniper. Ok.

Marvo: ok.

Zepper: we talking about guns. (Henshins and pulls out her weapons)

Amber: a sword with a pistol and another sword that's an orange

Zepper: also a pineapple morning flail and my dad's weapons. Well two of them.

Mavro: ok. At least it's not a battering ram that turns into an LMG

Flames (background): hey

Zepper: o-kay.

Amber: well (puts on helmet and swaps his gun to sword form) better get ready.

Zepper: ok.

(Everyone gets on their respected pads and get lunch)

Ozpin: stright to the point.

Oscar: please Ozpin. I think It's ok.

Location: emerald forest.

Ice quickly goes Into another wizard and pulls out a starry night dust crystal which turns into a scythe. He puts his fist on the blade and strikes it giving it a glow. Strikes and makes a portal to enter dusk form.

Visor gose hawk comic and flys down going back to ninnincomic runningto the temple.

Zepper uses the the pineapple lockseed see and strikes a tree with the pineapple flail.

James Henshins and rider kicks the ground.

Luke dose the same thing as James

Riku Henshins and uses his semblance which strengthens his endurance. The fucker just lands face first into the ground like a fucking badass and gets up like nothing fucking happened to him. Fruit jesus and Oum help you if you face him.

Amber kicks a tree to break his fall

Mavro uses silent edge like drew did and then drops down.

Flames uses her weapon on a
Usra and crushes its fucking skull to a pancake before it becomes red dust

Justice lands next to flames, they become partners

Justice: We go (uses his semblance as he grabs a bit of Grimm dustvand makes into a seeing glass) that way (points north)

Mavro: North is what my mother said.  Better go, (is surrounded by grimm) before I take out the trash. (pulls out swift night) Let's begin.

A Beowolf rushes allowing mavro to strike it in the back. He then sheaves his blade to grab inner darkness as three Beowolves attack. He jumps and then smacks on before cutting it's neck, he grabs the second one to cut its leg off and stabs the third one in it's chest. He then sheaves as he grabs silent edge. He then slices every Grimm into paper around him. The Grimm don't feel anything before Mavro sheaves his blade making the Grimm into confetti.

Amber: wow. Cool.

Mavro: I'm confident in my speed and  mind. Let us go. The Grimm have our sent.

Amber: then they must love the smell of a fresh ass whoopin.

Author: spot the joke win a prize.

Mavro just chuckles to that.

In dusk form Ice is able to cut through Grimm. He exits it and places the crystal away and swaps to the water one making it into a spear.

Ice: remember. North (runs north)

Visor is in the trees as he spots a Grimm horde but moves north.

Lance and Luke walk north.

The twins move north weapons drawn.

Everyone that's not mauled by Grimm move north.

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